Weight training is a complex world. For those of you who have decided to get into it, there are some basic rules to remember for more effective training.
The importance of the axis of thrust
Inpushing exercises, the athlete is required, as the name suggests, to push various objects. This exercise is essential in strength training especially in targeting the development of the muscles located on the arm but also the forearm and then the shoulders and pectorals, without forgetting the deltoids, triceps and much more. To do this, there are two main varieties of push-ups:
- Horizontal Push
- Vertical Push
It should be noted that for this exercise to be effective, certain parameters must be taken into account. Among others, the axis of the push, the force invested, the trajectories of the pushes as well as the levers which are considerable technical criteria to work effectively on the target zones, just likethe different holds (supination, pronation, neutral). And the one thing you mustn't forget is to adopt the correct posture during all your workouts.
Barbell or dumbbell: the best choice
Strength training contains a variety of exercises that are essential for toning your muscles. Each one is different despite some similarities. As such,the barbell differs somewhat from the dumbbell and you need to make the right choice for effective strength training.
The barbell is a workout that requires significant physical strength. The sets performed during a dumbbell bench press are harder and more intense. This is why this choice presents risks for those who have not yet mastered the technique. But the dumbbells give a broad field of manoeuvre in the movements.
Bars, on the other hand, are the opposite of dumbbells in that they require less physical strength. Nevertheless, bars offer a synergy in the performance of the workouts, such as the barbell rowing or the military bench press. This means that the bars condition the performance of an athlete.
Bars, like dumbbells, have their advantages and disadvantages. For an effective training, it is recommended to combine both choices.
Ideal number of rests between each set
The break is a crucial element in weight training sets. For effective training, this must be taken into account to better evaluate the intensity of all your exercises. By setting a clear framework onthe ideal number of rests, it becomes easier to string together exercises without getting tired while still achieving successful results.
To do this, it is essential to refer to the physical conditions to define one's limits in order to better exploit the potential of an athlete. Two major parameters should be kept in mind when determining the number of rests: the intensity of the efforts made and the objectives of the training.
According to these two criteria, it is then necessary to define the rest that the body needs and the duration necessary to achieve a precise goal. In case of doubt, the advice of a personal trainer is recommended in order to better determine the appropriate amount of rest during muscle building sessions
Frequency, volume, intensity. . . recommendations
For an effective and quality training, three major points are to be raised:frequency, volume and intensity. The recommendations to better find oneself in this set are to be able to offer a more or less equal quantity to each of these components.
This means that the athlete is required to carry out an adapted training volume allowing him to obtain results. For this, the experts will discuss the notions of MVR which defines a precise quantitative threshold not to be exceeded.
In addition, the choice of appropriate exercises must be made in order to balance frequency, volume and intensity. For best results, it is advisable to do exercises that involve as many muscle chains as possible.
In this way, the Maximum Volume Recoverable or MVR of each muscle in the body will be in perfect balance and the results will be more effective than during isolated sessions.
Loads adapted to its sessions
During physical exercises, it is also necessary to take into consideration the loads used. Some athletes often make the mistake of using weights that are "too heavy" to achieve better results. From now on, athletes will have to reconsider the importance of their loads because not all movements are adapted to heavy loads.
When it comes to adapted loads, there are those called simply heavy which refer to the maximum weight a person can lift without fear of trauma. And on the other side there are the so-called too heavy loads that can prove unmanageable and detrimental to a workout.
To avoid many traumas, you just have to listen to your body. The body relies on a very powerful mechanical system, but it has its limits. By learning to define the limits of your body, it quickly becomes easy to choose the right load.
The purpose of strength training
Muscle training is defined as a sequence of exercises designed to tone and develop one's muscles. It generally aims at a good physical condition as well as strength but also endurance. Once these bases are defined, the athlete can then move on to the modelling of his or her body in order to seek the muscular aestheticism that is so popular with sportsmen and women. To do this, it is possible to use certain equipment for better muscle stimulation.
The foundations of good muscular training are then: the quality of the training carried out, the rest necessary for a better balance, without forgetting a healthy and rich diet to develop one's muscles. Then comes the different methods and techniques to work efficiently certain muscles because each exercise corresponds to a set of target muscles.
The importance of the strength/speed ratio
One of the basic rules of quality training is to ensurethe balance between the strength to speed ratio. These two elements are complementary because the force applied to a muscle increases at moderate speed. Some studies have actually found that the speed at which a muscle develops is not the same throughout the body.
While it is possible to develop a certain amount of strength in the muscle by effectively gauging the speed, it is necessary to be able to define the best cycle for a good strength/speed ratio.
In addition, there are other essential parameters that must also be taken into consideration, such as the force/length and tension/elongation ratios. The first is the isometric force that a muscle feels in relation to its length. This increases when the length is maximal.
The second tension/elongation ratio, on the other hand, takes into account a few notions in muscle training: the variation of elasticity and the notion of stiffness. In other words, the relationship between tension and lengthening is emphasised in training. And the tension is more important during an elongation than a shortening.