Everyone changes their daily diet for a good reason: to lose weight, to gain weight or simply to opt for a healthiernutrition. The diet is the set of foods that make up the daily nutritional diet of a living species. The types of diet differ from each other by the foods that make up the diet. Thus, there are as many diets as there are food categories. In this article, you will find the different types of diet.
The main types of diet
There are various diets depending on the foods consumed and the purpose of the diet.
The detox diet
With the excessive consumption of fast food and industrial meals, we accumulate waste in our body. This is wherethe detox comes in. Thedetox diet refers to a diet based on fruit and vegetable juices for a period of 1 to 7 days. It allows us to clean up our bodies by eliminating waste. It is nota slimming diet with risks of deficiency in the long term, but rather a diet based ondetoxification needs.
The paleo diet
Inspired by the way homo habilis ate, thepaleo diet comes straight from the Paleolithic era. The focus is onnatural foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and healthy fat. But this way of eating is not really adapted to our era, if only for the meat which is not the same anymore.
The ketogenic diet
Theketogenic diet is based on an increase in fat and protein consumption at the expense of carbohydrate consumption, with the aim of plunging the body intoa ketogenic state. This involves your body dipping into your protein and fat stores to produce energy. It is this that causesfat loss, andlack of appetite, which ultimately contributes toweight loss. It is advisable to establish a modified form of the ketogenic diet by balancing the diet with a calculated carbohydrate intake.
The protein diet
This is a nutrition consisting mainly ofprotein. This mode of nutrition makes it easy to feel full, excluding weight gain. A high fat and carbohydrate deficiency is the main risk, as well as an excess of animal protein which, in the long run, can be dangerous for health. This diet is effective, but too drastic for nutritional balance and growth.
Special diets
Some people use particular categories of diets either because of health problems or because of personal choice.
The vegetarian diet
It is often said that avegetarian diet is healthier than a normal diet. However, the deprivation of meat can lead to some deficiencies. Certainly, eating vegetarian provides a certainspiritual and physical well-being, but in the long term, it is necessary to establisha varied and complete diet. Thus, to avoid deficiencies, it is necessary to combine elements that can be complementary in nutritional terms, food supplements can also be taken.
The vegan diet
Unlike the vegetarian diet,the vegan diet excludes all foods of animal origin, i. e. not only meat, but also honey, eggs and dairy products. From a nutritional point of view, there are some risks of dietary imbalance. However, this can be overcome with food supplements.
The anti-cellulite diet
If you havecellulite problems, don't be afraid! Did you know that by favouring certain foods and discarding others you can say goodbye to cellulite? It's totally possible with a diet geared towards proteins, fruit and oilseeds. However, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, dairy products, processed products and above all, you must stop eating sugar in the evening.
The anti-inflammatory diet
Are you tired of frequent headaches, or sudden mood swings? Know that you can solve inflammatory problems by adoptinga healthy and balanced diet. It's time to change the way you eat. It is strongly advised to reduce the consumption of sugar, flour, palm and cooking oil and dairy products. Prioritise oily fish, anti-inflammatory spices and whole grains.
Lactose intolerant: which diet to choose?
You arelactose intolerant when you have difficulty digesting milk or any other dairy product. At first glance, it seems difficult to eat without dairy products, especially since milk is known for its calcium content. However, it is perfectly possible to substitute animal milk withplant-based milk. When it comes to calcium, there are other foods that can give you as much calcium as milk, and there are alsofood supplements that make up for this lack.
Food for athletes
It is often said that sportsmen and women must eat a lot to have energy, but eat what exactly? Forenergy recovery, it isprotein that should be prioritised after sport. In the long term, you need to establish a daily calorie amount depending on whether you want to lose or recover weight, or improve your sports performance. Finally, water is also an important part of the diet, because sport dehydrates a lot.
Having a healthy diet: how to do it ?
Do you feel likeeating healthy and balanced? Here are some tips.
Eating balanced: a healthy trend
Balanced eating, what does it involve? It is nutrition where natural is the key word. Thus, we favour organic, and we avoid processed foods. And most importantly, we eat a variety of foods and cook in a way that preserves nutrients. To eat nutrient-rich and complete dishes, you need to know what's on your plate and where it comes from.
Food for health
To be healthy, you need healthy eating. It is necessary to establish dietary habits consisting mainly of complete, fresh, home-made dishes and important daily hydration. You need to vary the dishes by adopting the right nutritional gestures. Take the time to cook, to go to the market, to experiment with new dishes!
Healthy fasting: how to proceed?
Fasting is the act of going without food for a limited period of time, but with the possibility of drinking water. It is important to avoid too much nutritional shock, and to ease the dietary transition. So, before the fast, the best thing to do is to gradually reduce the food consumed in the days before the fasting period. Be careful, after 3 weeks, fasting can be very dangerous for your health.
The diet trend
Dietetics determines the amount of food to be consumed in a day and emphasises natural foods and diversified balanced dishes. This new method provides a better understanding of the body's reactions to food. However, prioritising the quantity of food can sideline the quality and nutritional needs of our bodies.