Cellulite affects about 90% of women, that is to say almost all women! And yes, you are not alone!
Almost all women are affected by cellulite, to varying degrees, whether they are slim or fuller, younger or older, and more than men, who are only 2% affected. Lucky them! And NO, it's not a disease, women have twice as many fat cells as men and their skin is thinner.
So this results in less "tolerance" for the appearance of the skin, so we see more imperfections. . . There are different diets, here we will see a diet that can help reduce cellulite
Cellulite, also known as orange peel skin or dimples, is the result of an excessive accumulation of fat in the deep layers of the skin, inside the fat storage cells, called adipocytes. These adipocytes swell up as they gorge on fat and compress the blood and lymph vessels.
This leads to poor elimination of toxins and fluids. It is this accumulation of waste that causes the formation of fatty clusters and gives an "orange peel" appearance to the skin.
There are several types of cellulite:
- Infiltrated cellulite or Aqueous cellulite due to water retention for hormonal reasons or venous insufficiency, often old.
- Adipose cellulite, soft and not painful to pinch, it is located more on the hips and the saddlebags.
- Fibrous cellulite, hard to the touch and painful to pinch.
SOME NUTRITION TIPS - Applicable to all types of cellulite
Whatever your type of cellulite, there are some nutritional rules to follow in order to anticipate its appearance, or even to reduce it!
The consumption of proteins(fatty fish, lean meats, eggs, seafood. . . ). Protein is the anti water retention food of choice. With a diet sufficiently rich in protein, the liver produces albumin which prevents water from leaking into the tissues and accumulating there. As a reminder, you need about 1. 2g to 1. 8g of protein per body weight and this varies according to the activity of each person.
Still water at a rate of at least 1. 5l per day. If you don't drink enough, the proper functioning of your kidneys will be disrupted; they may no longer filter the waste from your body properly and as a result your body will "hold back" its water to dissolve the toxic residues. Help and "Elimination Plus": make "detox" cures of one month at a rate of 3 times a year, by adding a drainer in your water.
Fruit(apples, papayas, oranges, red fruits. . . ), vegetables(asparagus, celery, courgette, broccoli, green beans. . . ),dried vegetables and cereals(green & coral lentils, beans, split peas, buckwheat, quinoa, spelt. . . ). Vary as much as you can!
Oleaginous, consume them in moderation and choose them "without added salt ", about 10 pieces per day (walnuts, almonds . . . )
Consumption of antioxidants such as Q10, vitamins C, E . . . They are found in different proportions of course, for example, in red fruits, watermelon, tomatoes, guava, papaya, artichoke, avocado, spinach, asparagus, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beetroot, red peppers, green tea and black tea and of course in dietary supplements.
Consume regularly natural veinotonics that promote venous return and "lighten" the legs.
"Re" systematically salting your dishes.
Excess salt promotes water retention.
Excessive industrial sugars(packets of cakes, sweets, pastries. . . ) and beware of "hidden" sugars in cooked dishes which are very often used as flavour enhancers.
The "overconsumption" of dairy products,foods with high inflammatory power.
Processed products(pasta, cakes, ready-made meals. . . ).
Saturated fatty acids(animal fats, cold cuts. . . ).
Sugar in the evening
One can succeed in attenuating it by privileging certain food more than others and to include them in its food hygiene of life. Add to this a little physical activity and you'll be on the right track!