Blind Dieting

by damien

When it comes to dietetics, many people immediately think of food including diets and nutrition. It is defined as the science that determines the dietary balance to be adopted for good health. A practice that allows us to know the elements that food provides to the body.

It is a kind of recommendation on the quantity of food that a person should eat to have a complete dietary habit and thus provide the necessary elements vital for the metabolism. Therefore, dietetics takes an important place in people's daily life and everyone wants to follow the recommendations to the letter in order to live well. However, is diet necessary and important for good health?

Dieting focuses on the amount of food eaten. However, if we focus on human physiology, we will notice a huge gap between the food we eat and the elements the body needs.

The actual circuit of food in the body

Before you jump in and rely on dieting blindly, knowing the path of the food you eat is important. This starts as soon as you put it in your mouth and ends when the blood has acquired the essential elements to make the body function.

The first step is chewing. This must be done properly, because the better the food is chewed, the easier it is for the body to digest it.

Next is digestion. This process consists of grinding and breaking down food from a complex state into a simpler state. This is an important step as the intestines cannot absorb complex elements. Proper digestion allows the intestines to properly absorb the elements needed by the body.

This phase of digestion takes place thanks to the presence of enzymes: proteins with a catalytic character that cut complex chains into simpler ones. The chewing and digestion stages are linked because when food is chewed well, it is small and the enzymes can cut it easily and efficiently.

Digestion starts as soon as the food is in the mouth. Salivary amylase enables the breakdown of long sugar chains from the start. The stomach then takes over: pepsin and hydrochloric acid are the enzymes that break down the protein chains. Before reaching the small intestine, the protein chains are reduced by bile and pancreatic enzymes.

This is the stage when fats are broken down and sugars are no longer digested. It is during this whole process, in which enzymes are primarily responsible, that digestion takes place. In the end, there will be no more protein chains, but simple molecules that are easily assimilated by the intestines.

Even at this stage, when the food no longer exists, the process in the body is not yet complete. This is the phase of assimilation by the intestinal walls.

The intestinal wall is not a filter or sieve, it is through the bacteria that live on the outside of the wall that simple molecules are transmitted to the intestine. This means that there is a multitude of microbes in the body that is essential for the proper functioning of the metabolism.

The role of each microbe depends on their location and function. There are those that protect the body from foreign bodies, those that eliminate toxins in the body and those that ensure digestion.

In the case of digestion, it is the bacteria that generate the enzymes to break down the protein chains. This decomposition reaction lasts until the food has become simple molecules that can be easily assimilated by the intestinal walls and transported in the blood.

Through these different stages: chewing, digestion and assimilation, the food that enters the mouth no longer has anything in common with the nutrients that circulate in the blood. These are the elements that ensure the nutrition of cells and tissues to enable the body to function.

However, dietetics does not take these different stages into account when recommending how much to eat. In this case, as long as the recommendations ignore the digestive and assimilative capacity, dietetics has no value.

The reality of the human body today

Through stress, unbalanced consumption of processed and refined foods, the body, especially the digestive system, becomes exhausted. There is a dysfunction of the bacteria in the secretion of enzymes. These types of foods are difficult to digest and require a lot of work from the organs and enzymes.

This means that those responsible are struggling to break down the protein chains while the nutrient supply no longer fills the enzyme capital.

In the intestines, this phenomenon of dysfunction and exhaustion results in the accumulation of waste on the walls. The bacteria responsible for the assimilation of nutrients are negatively affected by the presence of various preservatives and chemicals in food. Medicines, antibiotics, pesticides and fungicides are also causes of a poor digestive system.

Even if the food consumed is of sufficient quantity, according to dietetics, the assimilated nutrients do not fulfil the work of the enzymes and the proper functioning of the organism. Dietetics cannot count the exact amount of food needed to support the synthesis, recombination, storage and adaptation needed by the body. The functioning of the stomach, liver and intestines are thus corrupted causing a lack of nutrients in the blood.

The body was originally able to supply certain essential elements for its functioning. But because of the lack of the various products that destroy the system, the body has to depend on the supply from food. The closest example is the body's need for B vitamins. Normally, the body produces the B vitamins it will need, but because of bacterial failure, it is necessary to consume food supplements rich in B vitamins. It should be noted that this failure is the result of the use of different types of insecticides and pesticides to destroy the microbes in the fields. Only the microbes that make up 90% of the human body are also being destroyed.

The great difference between food and the elements that are useful to the body

With dietetics, the trend is to rely on a balanced diet that can provide the body with essential nutrients. In the event that the balance is not respected, the consumption of food supplements becomes the solution. However, there is something more beneficial if you want to meet your body's needs: choose natural products (raw plants). By consuming healthy products, you can be sure to get all the micronutrients and enzymes you need to restore your digestive system.

Stress and fatigue should be avoided to increase digestive and assimilative capacity. To restore the proper functioning of the digestive and assimilation of nutrients, it is important to have a healthier lifestyle. A well-functioning digestive and assimilative system allows the acquisition of minerals that increase your physical and intellectual capacity. Another way to avoid depletion of your body is to eat little food with a lot of nutrients.

To conclude

Finally, when it comes to dietetics, bear in mind that it only takes into account the quantity of food to be eaten without taking into account the essential elements that the body needs. In this case, do not get carried away by this trend of quantifying food, because it will remain a real waste.

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