Mental relaxation techniques and physical relaxation techniques are not the same. Physical relaxation techniques are designed to release stress hormones because when practised, the body secretes happy hormones which will reflect on the mind. Whereas mental relaxation techniques are meant to put the mind in a state of relaxation through different techniques. And once the mind is relaxed, it will reflect on the rest of the body, from a health, well-being and relaxation point of view.
Physical relaxation techniques
There are many ways to relax, here are some lists of simple and ideal physical relaxation techniques to do:
- Sports
All physical activities are the most natural ways to relieve stress, no matter where you do it. Also, on the one hand the body secretes happy hormones during sports, on the other hand tired muscles are much easier to relax.
- A quiet walk
The fresh air during a quiet walk helps the body to secrete happy hormones which will release the stress hormones. Also, it takes your mind off things.
- Sex
Sex is also a physical activity (if it is possible to do so of course) that will help the body to alternate between the relaxation and tension phases. By doing so, stress will decrease and this is due to the happiness hormones secreted.
- Yoga
Yoga is considered a philosophical doctrine in India. It is the set of physical exercises,meditation, breathing and concentration exercises. Besides the meditation can promote the dry period in bodybuilding.
- Qi-gong
This is another form of movement that requires working on concentration and breathing. Of Chinese origin, its aim is to unblock energy blockages. It consists in making slow movements while remaining in a fixed position. The conscious concentration on the body evacuates bodily tensions and the mind relaxes afterwards.
- Tai Chi
This is also a Chinese method used in traditional medicine to promote the flow of energy in the body. It is the balancing of body and mind by linking fluid and supple movements.
- Progressive muscle relaxation
This is an intentionally practiced method of contracting and relaxing well-preferred muscle groups. There are videos to guide and to know when to contract and relax a muscle. This practice is ideal for improving the relationship with the body and strengthening the ability to relax, if practiced regularly.
- Music
This principle pleases everyone who loves music. It involves listening to or playing music. The latter gives a relaxing effect especially in people who appreciate it. It is a method to relax well too.
- Relaxing saunas and baths
The muscles relax thanks to the heat of the relaxing saunas and baths. Also, the body's defences are strengthened with alternating temperature baths.
- Massages
Massage is a very quick and effective way to release muscle tension and at the same time allows the mind to disconnect better. Aromatherapy can also help with well-being.
- Laughter
Laughter is always good for your health. You should laugh consciously and forcefully if necessary because laughing secretes happiness hormones and therefore releases stress.
- Drinking tea
Drinking tea helps you feel good. Tea already provides important minerals. Plus it takes time to enjoy a good tea, so it really helps to relax by enjoying the time and peace and quiet.
Mental relaxation techniques
- Autogenic training
Autogenic training is a type of relaxation technique. It can be practised while sitting or lying down. It can be done by listening to a CD, online on the internet or in the presence of a relaxologist. This method consists of imagining several states of the body guided by the relaxologist. The relaxologist says phrases and lets the person imagine them to help them relax better. For example: ask the person to imagine that he or she is at the seaside, with the fresh wind blowing. Imagining this situation allows the person to relax.
- Meditation
Meditation is done to calm the body and mind. It is often used in religions. But it can also be practiced outside of religion. Meditation is the act of concentrating on oneself, on thoughts, on the body, on feelings to create a deep feeling to relax. It may seem unusual at first, but it is very simple to practice over time. Discover all the benefits of meditation.
- Mindfulness
Mindfulness is when the body is aware of what it is doing. Like for example, when walking in the forest, the awareness focuses on the sounds and smells of the forest. It involves breathing and feeling things around. And it helps to focus on the present moment and forget all the stressful problems of the day. It's effective for relaxing.
- Guided visualisation
This method requires the presence of a relaxologist. It can be done with a CD to listen to or online on the internet. He tells a story to relax the person, like a super awesome trip. The person imagines this trip, relaxes and may end up falling asleep.
In summary
- Regular stress relief and relaxation are necessary for good health.
- Do not use relaxation methods that harm the body, for example by becoming addicted.
- It is important to practice physical or mental relaxation techniques.
- Remove anything that is disruptive when practicing relaxation.
- It is recommended to find other tricks to enhance relaxation.