
by damien

Are you looking for exercises to strengthen your legs and buttocks? Why not try the squat? This multi-joint exercise aims to bend the legs and knees. It can be performed with or without a load.


The squat falls into the category of polyarticular movements. In other words, when you do this exercise, expect to use several muscles in your body. The same goes for the joints.

At first glance, this is a simple exercise to perform. However, you need to master the technique to avoid injury.

Why do squats?

The reason why squats are so popular is that they keep you fit. Better still, you can optimise your strength with this exercise. Numerous studies have shown that regular and sustained squatting is extremely beneficial to your health.

Which muscles are involved in the squat?

The squat does not involve two or three, but several muscles in the human body. In fact, the synergy of all the muscles of the lower body is necessary to be able to stand up when bending the legs.

When to do the squat?

As the squat involves many muscle groups, it is recommended to space out the training. The reason is simple: you need to give your muscles time to recover.

So what is the ideal frequency for squatting?

The answer depends largely on the nature of your sports training. Is it strength training, endurance, weightlifting or something else?


Back squat or front squat?

These two squat variations are the most popular in the world of bodybuilding. Both help to strengthen the muscles, but in a different way. You will also understand that each offers its own advantages.

The Jefferson squat

Although not widely known, the Jefferson Squat provides equally important benefits.

The 1+ ¼ squat

Be careful not to mix the 1+ ¼ squat with the quarter squat. This is a technique to perfect your squat, especially in the bottom position, where you encounter the most difficulty in getting up.

The pistol squat

This is a typical squat exercise that develops thigh strength without using equipment.

More precisely, the pistol squat is a one-sided workout that requires great mobility. It also requires a lot of strength to get up. Although this exercise has its advantages, few people master and practice it.


You would be wrong to think that the half-squat is only for people who want to improve their mobility or strength on the bottom half of the movement. If you have specific goals you want to achieve, this exercise can be a great help.

The deep squat

The deep squat is mainly a question of depth. Some suggest finishing the movement in parallel without trying to optimise the limit of mobility. Others recommend continuing as low as your mobility allows, while exploiting joint flexibility, in order to perform deeper squats.


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