In order to perform, it is necessary to do efficient sessions. And by efficient we often mean: adapted exercises, adapted loads while taking into account a given time. Discover 4 tips to better manage your time in weight training!
How to train when you don't have enough time?
For many athletes, time is often a constraint to be taken into consideration. Indeed, it is not given to everyone to be available do the necessary exercises in the gym every day for as long as necessary. So some people will be tempted to do as many exercises as possible in the shortest time possible.
Although this technique keeps you alert for those who feel flat, it does not provide much satisfaction when you leave the gym. It also does not release as much endorphin as proper exercise would.
To remedy this problem, simple and effective solutions have been developed for those who do not always have as much time as they would like.
- If there is not enough time, accept not to do as many movements as usual
- If time or motivation is lacking, do other forms of training (cardio, HIIT)
- If even going to the gym is impossible due to lack of time, start training in your living room
- If you only have 30 minutes to train at the gym, concentrate on one or two movements. Make sure you give your best to these movements.
Quality instead of quantity
A common habit is to neglect certain sets in order to make it through a session when you have free time to train. However, it is important to prioritize the quality of a workout rather than the quantity.
Quality is a daily task and each training session must be done consciously and not automatically. Three perfect, heavy, intense exercises are better than a lot of repetitions and exercises that are done automatically. However, quantity also comes into play, but over the long term. In other words, don't try to do a lot of exercises in one session, but rather a lot of quality sessions over a year.
Balance the pace and size of sessions
Doing particularly physically intense sessions may affect the regularity of the training. While such a pace may be possible over a month, it will not be possible over a whole year. Thus, to meet the two objectives of quantity and quality, it is more appropriate to focus only on a few exercises per session. This does not preclude doing such intensive sessions occasionally. However, this should not be taken as a benchmark, as it can lead to guilt if you don't have the time or strength to do this kind of training successfully.
Respecting this balance and training intelligently is the most consistent form of training to avoid lack of motivation.