
by damien

To benefit from the normal protein intake and increase performance, many athletes and fitness or body fans advocate the ketosis diet. Ketogenic diet, ketogenic, VCLD or Low carb are examples of name by which this new diet goes by.

Coaches also advise their trainees to bet on this diet to lose weight quickly. Before practising this diet, it is important to understand and know the details of nutrition in order to avoid all types of problems or important drifts for the sportsmen.

The PronoKal method

Before talking about the ketogenic diet, it is essential to know its origin, it is obtained by the Pronokal method.

The Pronokal method was developed by the health professionals of the PronoKal GroupĀ® in 2004. Doctors and patients are convinced by this method with regard to weight loss. Thanks to the thoroughness of the problems, more than 400,000 people have seen satisfactory results, because this method not only guarantees weight loss, but also its long-term maintenance.

The success of this method is due to its referent, Professor Alain Golay. His extensive curriculum vitae shows his competence in the field of obesity and eating disorders:

  • Professor of Medicine, diabetologist, head of department at the University Hospitals of Geneva
  • Head of department specialised in therapeutic patient education (TPE), particularly in the fields of diabetology, obesity and eating disorders
  • Coordinator of a continuing education diploma (DAS) for the past 15 years, enabling hundreds of caregivers to implement TPE programs dealing with 38 chronic diseases
  • Co-founder of the European Society for Therapeutic Education (ESTE) of which he has been President since 2008
  • Organiser of more than 60 international post-graduate seminars in TVE
  • Organiser of the 1st World Congress of TVE in Geneva in 1994
  • Co - President of the 3rd European Congress of Therapeutic Education in Toulouse in 2009
  • President of the 16th European Congress on Obesity in Geneva 
  • President of the 20th European Congress on Diabetes Research (EGIR) in 2011
  • Invited speaker at over 150 international conferences
  • Researcher with 450 published scientific papers, 5 books translated into 9 languages.

The practice of ketosis previously

The protein diet was created in the 1970s by Professor Blakburn and has been popularised in France since 1955 by the Canadian doctor, Jean-Marie Marineau. It was mainly trials called "PSMF" (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) which had not yet given the best results as today. There were problems and errors in the dosage of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

However, thanks to this discovery, new trends emerged. Preceptors took the original protocol and adopted it according to their knowledge and skill in order to get all the benefits. It is the training methods applied by those who practice the Body that reap all the credit. It is through the derivation of the original protocol that the Atkins and Dukan methods have become successful.

The recommendations in the ketogenic method

The first thing to bear in mind with regard to the ketosis method is its destination. It is mainly overweight people with a BMI of more than 30 who should practice it. It is a solution for those who are on the precipice of irreversible diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, stroke or cancer.

This method allows them to lose weight quickly in order to avoid the various health problems resulting from obesity. It is different from traditional diets, as it guarantees palpable results in the short term.

The ketosis method originated in the 1970s, following experiments by Forbes. A revision was made by Prentice and Coll in 1991 to ensure a better result.

Before embarking on the ketogenic or VCLD method, medical advice is important, as it is not a goal in itself and should not exceed 16 weeks. The recommendations of a health professional are very useful to help you get through the beginning of the diet as the calorie intake is limited to 600 - 800 kcal per day. He or she will advise you on what preparations to make to avoid the dramatic consequences that can occur.

The method works if you are aware of your body and if you are prepared to follow the doctors' recommendations. The first thing to do is to focus on protein intake to prepare the body and eat vegetables without carbohydrates.

The trick is to have a respectable daily intake of 55 g. Taking into account losses during digestion, a minimum of 50 g of protein with sufficient nutrients ensures an intake of between 0. 8 and 1. 5 g per kg of body weight. The fat content is divided into 3 g linoleic acid, 0. 5 g alpha-linolenic acid.

Ketosis can lead to side effects such as gallstones. However, it is possible to reduce and avoid the occurrence of side effects by adding 5 g to 7 g of fat to a meal.

This ensures that the gallbladders function properly and reduces the incidence of gallstones.

In a day, with these amounts of fat and protein, you also need 10g of fibre, micronutrients up to 100% of RDA and 33ug of chromium.

In order for the diet to help you feel comfortable, it is essential to drink plenty of water, at least 2 litres a day.

The choice of this diet results in a negative amount of nitrogen, but if you stay on course, you can achieve stabilisation after 2 to 4 weeks.

By reducing or eliminating carbohydrates, your energy balance can be negative and as a result you will need more and more protein. Part of the protein is used to build up energy in the tissues, muscles and liver.

According to the recommendations of Codex Stan 203-1995, sodium intake should be limited to 1000 milligrams per day. As insulin decreases and ketones increase, some studies recommend a sodium intake of around 2000 to 3000 milligrams per day.

This amount is necessary to avoid orthostatic hypotension, nausea, vomiting, headaches, fatigue, asthenia. . . Codex Stan also recommends 1600 to 2000 milligrams of potassium, 500 to 800 milligrams of calcium and 350 to 375 milligrams of magnesium.

What the ketogenic diet really is

In simple terms, the ketogenic diet is a diet that recommends reducing fat and carbohydrate intake while maintaining an adequate protein intake.

After 24 to 48 hours, the body is deprived of fats and carbohydrates, in which case it draws on its reserves. It is the fat and protein that the body burns to provide energy.

The diet is effective because some of the fat that is released from the fat cell is burnt and becomes a kind of natural appetite suppressant. This ensures that you feel full and can limit your consumption.

Even though the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced, ketosis ensures that muscle mass is maintained.

The high biological value proteins that are in sufficient quantities are their protection. And the loss of lean muscle mass is reduced due to the positive balance between ingested and excreted nitrogen. The proper functioning of the basic metabolism is ensured by the presence of a reduced amount of carbohydrates.

From these different intake limitations, the ketogenic diet method is recommended for people who have difficulty losing weight and who have problems related to a metabolic syndrome.

Since obesity is the source of many diseases, ketosis has positive effects on type 2 diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, lowering of LOL cholesterol and raising of HDL cholesterol.

Contraindications in the practice of ketosis

Ketosis is a way of regulating weight through protein intake. However, to avoid any inconvenience, it is preferable to practice this method under the supervision of a health professional.

Whether it is for bodybuilders or those who are in the process of dieting, a doctor can closely monitor the evolution of the body during the practice of ketosis over the medium and long term.

BMI is an important issue for those who are overweight, which is why the ketogenic diet method only considers people who are seriously ill due to their obesity. Ketosis is a method that should not be confused with the cyclical diet of drying out the muscles.

It is unique and allows those who need it to feel good about themselves.

  • Involving the whole body and the way we eat, ketosis is contraindicated for:
  • those under 16 and over 65 years of age;
  • those with eating disorders
  • people who are taking or addicted to various drugs, alcohol or steroids (an absolute contraindication)
  • those with psychological disorders such as bipolarity, depression, schizophrenia. . .
  • those with liver or kidney problems
  • diabetics
  • those with diseases causing protein loss such as cushing's disease, proteinuria, neoplasia, malabsorption, inflammatory bowel disease. . .
  • those with heart-related diseases

Know and understand the essence of ketosis

To feel good about your body while dieting, understanding the principle of the diet is a basic element. That's why you should never listen to hearsay. Some sportsmen and women who practice bodybuilding think that they can increase their performance by going into ketosis. However, they do not realise that this method does not dry the muscles effectively.

It is intended to weight down overweight people. Ketosis requires the storage of a proportion of carbohydrates in the body to ensure protein synthesis and body function. Ketosis is different from the cyclic diet.

Stephen Phinney who adopted the ketogenic diet method to ensure his endurance performance says: "In the low carb diets advocated by fitness enthusiasts, there is too much protein and carbohydrate to be in nutritional ketosis. Since their bodies cannot use ketones as an alternative to glucose, they must logically ingest enough carbohydrates to maintain the minimum fuel flow for their brains! "