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Health Potential, Balanced diet

by damien

The science of food, a real headache! There are so many preconceived ideas about healthy eating that we don't know how to make sense of them.

Even worse,the specialists themselves contradict themselves in the advice they give us. Sometimes they say we should give priority to fruit and vegetables, sometimes they say we should take more protein.

Some say we should eat organic, but others are certain that we should opt for a vegan lifestyle. Nutritionists limit the frequency of meals, but sportsmen encourage eating several meals a day.

Is eating healthy your goal? What does "eating healthy" really mean?

We have tested the most recommended diets for you to help you choose a healthy diet. But before we take a look at that, let's zoom in on the basics of healthy eating.

What is healthy eating?

Between all the "hearsay" about healthy eating, very few put everyone in agreement. Whatever the case, whether a nutritionist, sportsman or scientist, there aresome eating habits whose benefits no one can deny.

Healthy eating means eating fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are a real pillar of a healthy diet, there's no denying it! Replace the junk food you eat every day with fruit and vegetables, it'sthe secret to healthy nutrition. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, they are essentialto the proper functioning of the body.

Green leafy vegetables are the most recommended, followed by cruciferous vegetables, then vegetables that are rich in carbohydrates.

Fruits are less popular because they are rich in sugar, but they are just as essential for good health. We can find berries, sour fruits, dried fruits and sweet fruits.

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Healthy eating is eating without industrial products

There is nothing better than homemade meals, as industrial products often contain additives and preservatives that are harmful to your health, especially in the long term.

If you lack the time to cook, you should check the ingredients in your food products, and only buy those that contain only natural ingredients.

You can also spend your free time cooking and freezing food.

The same applies to fatty acids: you should ban fat from industrial products. Indeed, most of the fat we consume on a daily basis comes from processed products such as cakes, pastries, etc. Avoid these and opt for 'good fat', such as lean meat, eggs, avocado, etc.

A healthy diet means a limited amount of food.

Fast-foods, restaurants, nowadays, junk food would almost knock on our door; and few people can boast that they could resist it.

As a result,we are consuming far too much food. To stop this excess, there are two alternatives:reduce our food consumption, or fast.

Not only does it purify the body, but it also lowers the insulin level for weight loss, fasting is currently highly recommended. There are various types of fasting, depending on the desired effects, including intermittent fasting and water fasting.

However, if you have a health problem, consult a doctor before fasting. It should be noted that this approach is not suitable for children and pregnant women.

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Diets for healthy eating: we've tested them

Are theories about ideal diets true? We have tested the most recommended diet plans for you, and we give you our assessment.

The ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet consists of drastically reducing the consumption of carbohydrates (sugary foods, including fruits or vegetables that contain sugar) and eating more foods rich in fat and protein (meat, eggs, fish, . . . ).

The promise of weight loss in a short time is fulfilled, but once the diet is over, the lost pounds quickly resurface. Also, it sometimes causes nausea, headaches and fatigue, as the body is deprived of a considerable source of energy.

The gluten-free and milk-free diet

As the name implies, this diet consists of banning all sources of gluten and milk from our diet.

This diet is a good alternative for those with digestion problems, but it is incomplete as there are other nutrients that are harmful to the body that can continue to be consumed without counting (sugar, for example).

Living Food

Living food is the practice of eating mainly raw, unprocessed and natural foods, usually of plant origin.

It is an interesting diet in that the food eaten rests the body, and the food is very rich in nutrients, which provides great energy.

But in the long run, it causes health problems, especially due to dietary deficiency (calcium, vitamin B and D). Beware, raw food eating requires impeccable food hygiene!

Vegetarian and vegan diets

Vegetarian and vegan diets are diets that exclude the consumption of meat or any source of animal products.

While these diets are known for their ability to prevent certain diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol), they cause protein and iron deficiencies.

But there is a more interesting alternative:flexitarianism, i. e. reduced consumption of red meat and fish.

The paleo diet

The Paleolithic diet consists of increasing the amount of protein, good fat, and fiber, while considerably decreasing the sources of sugar (dairy products, cereals, . . . ) in our diet.

The consumption of natural, unprocessed products is at the heart of this mode of nutrition.

It is a very effective diet for losing weight and for maintaining the body in good health.

To summarise, eating healthy on a daily basis involves eating more vegetables and fruit, banning processed foods and limiting the amount of food consumed.

Various diets are considered healthy, but each has its benefits and risks: the key is to know what you want from your diet.

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