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Food For a Successful Weight Gain

by damien

To gain muscle volume without storing fat in the body, who wouldn't dream of it?

It's time to take action! The best way to build muscle is to adopt an adequate (to your goals), complete and qualitative diet! Without proper nutrition, your training sessions, however intense, would be ineffective.

As you will have understood, creating a special menu for mass gain is the key to strengthening your muscles and increasing their volume. Not sure where to start? Don't panic! We explain the basics of a mass gain diet.

Counting calories to gain mass

Bingeing on food to gain body mass is a mistake that too many people make. And what's more, this method is very often recommended in gyms and forums.

However, by eating excessively without paying attention to the contents of your plate, you risk ingesting poor quality food that is useless for the body and for building and strengthening muscles.

In addition, instead of gaining muscle volume, you increase your body fat. So start counting calories to increase your muscle size effectively!

What is the ideal amount of calories?

To be successful in gaining weight, it is absolutely essential to determine the number of calories you need to achieve your goals. Ideally, you should consume slightly more calories than you burn.

First of all, increase your calorie intake by 300 to 500 kcal and make sure you choose good quality food. An extra 100 kcal of glucose from oatmeal does not have the same effect as an extra 100 kcal from sugar.

Increasing your calorie intake: how to do it

To be most effective, you should increase your calorie intake gradually. If the 300 to 500 Kcal have not contributed to a satisfactory mass gain after 3 weeks, add 200 kcals more. Repeat this process until you reach your goals.

But be careful, gaining mass too quickly can lead to an increase in body fat. To avoid this, limit yourself to a gain of 2 kg per month

How to distribute macronutrients?

A good balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates is essential to maintain a healthy and balanced diet during weight gain.

Protein is the nutrient the body needs most to build muscle. For the average adult, the amount of protein needed is 1. 8 to 2. 2 grams per kg per day, which is easily obtained from our daily diet of eggs or meat.

However, for athletes, this amount can rise to 4 grams per kg per day, often requiring supplements.

Fats are just as important as proteins, as they help the body to function properly and facilitate recovery. And to build muscle, they are absolutely essential! Don't forget to eat them! The recommended amount of fat is 0. 8 to 1. 5 g per kg per day. It is advisable to give preference to foods rich in omega 3.

The amount of carbohydrates you should eat depends on the amount of calories you take in. When you have enough protein and fat in your menu, you only need to fill the rest of your plate with carbohydrates.

Find ourexample diet program for mass gain.

Eat several times a day to gain weight

No, you don't have to limit yourself to 3 meals a day! Some people prefer to divide their meals into smaller portions throughout the day, and so much the better, especially for those who want to gain weight. All you need to do is meet your nutrient requirements and eat quality food.

What are the benefits of eating several times a day?

There are many advantages to eating throughout the day by dividing your meals. On the one hand, it helps to avoid bloating due to eating too much, and on the other hand, it serves to nourish the body continuously.

This means that your digestive system is lighter and you don't have to worry about feeling hungry. On top of that, eating several times is highly recommended for weight gain, as it is an effective way to increase the amount of calories consumed.

How to separate the macronutrients?

A balanced diet is still essential to ensure an effective diet, even when several meals a day are involved. For example, each meal should contain an adequate amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

On training days, eat a meal one hour before the start of the session to provide the energy you need. Do the same one hour after your workout, which will help you recover more easily.

Health tips for successful weight gain

Opt for healthy and varied foods

Building muscle mass doesn't mean you have to gorge yourself on junk food. Take in all the macronutrients your body needs, and don't forget to take in vitamins, minerals and fruit and vegetables. Also, avoid processed foods.

Stay hydrated

It cannot be repeated too often, water is vital to the body: do not wait until you are thirsty to drink it. If the quantity of water that should be ingested daily is around 1. 5 litres for an adult, this quantity can vary according to the level of training, the level of health, etc. In any case, an athlete has a much higher water requirement.

Adding to your diet

If you have set up a specific nutritional programme to gain weight, do not hesitate to make adjustments as the diet progresses: weight gain, energy, etc.

Indeed, during the course of the nutritional programme, it may turn out that certain eating habits that would be recommended to other people are not suitable for you.

Use food supplements

For some people, taking in large amounts of protein or increasing the amount of calories consumed is not enough to build muscle and body mass. In this case, use mass building supplements, but make sure you use simple and effective supplements.


If you increase your calorie consumption without moving, you risk gaining fat instead of increasing your muscle volume. Training is a good alternative: it consists of doing several exercises in succession, with little recovery time.

When done 3 to 4 times a week, this intensive training programme is very effective for muscle development. However, you need to have enough time to do it.

To conclude

In short, to be successful in gaining mass, simply count the calories you consume daily and eat several times a day. Also make sure you choose good quality food and adopt healthy eating habits: it's child's play!

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