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Fixed Bar Pull-Ups Mistakes Not To Make For A V Back

by damien

To work the upper body, the high bar pull-up is one of the reference movements. It allows you to make muscular in a simple and effective way the back and the arms. To better understand this physical exercise, discover now the muscles to use during the pull-up, the steps to follow as well as the mistakes not to make during the movement.

What is the high bar pull?

The high bar pull is simply a strength training exercise. When practised, it requires the lifting of one's own body weight with the strength of the back or arms. It is usually performed between the frame of a wall or door, with the hands suspended from a bar that is planted high up. The aim of this position is to raise the body until the neck or chin reaches the height of the bar.

Doing a pull-up exercise is like doing push-ups. To get good results, it is important to do a lot of muscle work. A simple movement of the muscles with a continuous body weight will suffice to achieve this goal. The pull-up exercise not only involves several muscles in the back, but also in the arms.

On the back side, this kind of physical movement allows you to work the back. Priority should be given to the large round, trapezius and rhomboid muscles. The muscles in the arm, biceps, anterior brachialis and brachioradialis should also be used. The pectoral muscles play an indispensable role in the training sessions.

Pulling and its different types of exercises

The pulling movement is distinguished by the position and distance of the hands on the bar. This is the basis for the variation of muscle excitations. There are different kinds of pulling movements.

These variations allow you to change the movements and maximise the renovation. Supine and pronated traction are two of the different types of traction. The pronation pull is a traditional exercise in the world of bodybuilding movement.

Techniques to follow when training

As a sport movement, the high bar pull-up also requires users to follow certain rules. Following these rules will help to build muscle properly and prevent injury. So, when pulling, the following steps must be followed:

  • Always keep the arms slightly bent. This will prevent any tears in the area where the triceps and shoulders are located.
  • To spread out to the bar, it is important to open the rib cage at the same time as stretching with the arms.
  • When climbing, you must not forget the breathing and its blocking. If not, you have to blow.
  • At the moment of bending the legs, simply remain in the vertical axis under the bar during each pulling exercise. The aim is to get a well balanced body from front to back.

Once again, the high bar pull requires the work of the back muscles. The stretching of the back is essential to maintain tone and flexibility. This stretching must be done in a regular manner and in parallel with this weight training movement.

Some steps to avoid for a V shape

During the pull-up training, it is necessary to avoid the following steps, especially during the V-back position.

Step number 1 is:

  • Full range of motion is not recommended
  • This also applies to the execution of partial pull-ups

Step 2 is:

In order to pull yourself up conveniently, there is no need to speculate about the momentum produced by the pelvic and/or leg cadence. Note that the aim is not to swing by using the arms at angles, but to achieve the pull.

Step number 3 is:

  • The distance of the hands on the bar or not too regular is avoidable. If the distance between the hands is too large, the pulling amplitude is automatically limited. This distance must therefore be less than 1. 5 times the shoulder width
  • On the other hand, if this distance is insufficient, i. e. less than the width of the shoulders, the movement will involve a certain risk. The forearms and biceps instinctively hold the pressure on the back during the coaxial and eccentric cycle of the movement.

Steps number 4 are:

  • Above all, avoid misplacing the elbows and shoulders, even if it is difficult to learn to watch the shoulder blades during the whole movement.
  • It is best to start the pull again and continue it with a sensitive depression of the shoulders.
  • Before trying the pull, the shoulders should be brought backwards and gently relaxed.

Step number 5 is:

  • do not control during the descent. You should not come down too quickly during the training. It is not necessary to move quickly and abruptly during the downward phase of the pull-ups.

Use a sports coach

To practice this kind of sport, it is ideal to call upon a professional in the field. Whether you are just starting out with a strength training exercise or are in a progression phase, the best solution is to seek advice from experts. Using a personal trainer not only provides more exercises, but above all personal guidance.

With his skills, he will be able to propose a personalised programme related to the demands and abilities of the clients. And the most important thing about the coaching by a specialist is the fact that mistakes are made. To find a special coach, it is possible to go on the internet. There are different kinds of sites where you can contact him and ask some questions about this sport.

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