The best exercises for bodybuilding

by damien

Wondering how those bodybuilders on TV got such a muscular body and how long they spent in the gym to get that way? Well, it's all about working for a very, very long time, with a lot of patience and willpower. The key is to choose the right exercises for the parts you want to develop.

Here are some strength training exercises that will help you develop all your muscles. However, you shouldn't expect miracle exercises, it all depends on your willingness and effort to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

The squat

The squat is an exercise that helps maintain mobility and balance by strengthening the stabilizing muscles. It develops the extensor muscles of the hips, knee, ankle and all other parts of the lower limbs. The squat will allow you to strengthen the lower part, which will then facilitate the execution of the other exercises.

With your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outwards, hands gripping the bar and looking straight ahead, bend your legs to the horizontal. You should feel your knees spread and your buttocks pulled back. When the pelvis reaches the level of the knee, come back up by leaning on the thighs. Inhale as you bend and exhale at the end of the lift.

The deadlift

The deadlift helps to strengthen the posterior chain, for a stronger back and hips. It is very effective in the fight against back pain and facilitates everyday movements (bending down to pick up objects from the ground, carrying heavy loads, moving objects.

With this exercise, you will develop the back muscles (lumbar, lower back and lats), the gluteal muscles (gluteus maximus and medius), the leg muscles (quadriceps, ischialis, calves) as well as the forearm muscles and the stabilizing muscles.

To perform the deadlift, place your feet parallel to each other at pelvis width, with your legs bent. The bar should be placed on the floor, so that you can grip it with one hand facing backwards and the other facing forwards (if the loads are too heavy otherwise opt for the pronated grip).

Arms straight and tense, looking straight ahead, push on the back to stand up. With your buttocks back, raise the bar to thigh height.

Once past the knees, bring the pelvis forward against the bar to stand up, pulling the chest out and squeezing the glutes and shoulder blades. Leaning forward, lower down while flexing the leg. Throughout the exercise, you should slide the bar along your thighs while inhaling on the way down and exhaling at the end of each ascent.

The Bench Press

This exercise is very effective for improving the sheathing thanks to the transfer of force and working the pectoral muscles. You will be able to develop the power of repulsion of the lower limbs while strengthening the shoulder girdle by working several stabilizing muscles.

To perform, place yourself on a bench, lying on your back with your feet on the floor. Grasp the bar with your hands well above your shoulders. Lift the bar up and place it over your pectoral muscles, making sure your abs are tight. Using your elbows, bend your arms to lower the bar until it touches your chest. As you contract your pecs, raise it back up, without lifting your shoulders at the end of the movement.

Pronation pull-ups

Thanks to the use of the back muscles, pull-ups improve posture. They prevent back pain and develop the back, shoulder and hip muscles. If you do pull-ups very regularly, you will find it easier to do suspension exercises and climbing.

To grip the bar, spread your hands well above your shoulders. Palms should face forward. Place your torso under the bar, with your shoulders relaxed and your back contracted. Pull on both arms to raise your chin above the bar, with your elbows facing forward. Throughout the movement, the torso should be arched and the shoulder blades lowered as much as possible. Finish the movement by releasing until the arms are fully extended.

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