Bodybuilding Methods

by damien

Strength training is a discipline that involves working the muscles with the aim of building muscle mass. Since the human body contains many different muscles or muscle groups, and each person has their own physiology, the methods of strength training are diverse. Therefore, a technique that is suitable for one person to build muscle may not be suitable for another.

Defining your muscles: try supersets and combination sets

What are supersets?

Superset is a muscle building technique that involves combining two different exercises to work two very distinct muscles. It is a long series method during which the practitioner does not take any rest time between the two exercises. In antagonistic superset, the muscles to be worked must be opposite each other.

The superset allows you to gain muscle mass very quickly. By working two antagonistic muscles, the volume of training is increased in order to optimise the result in less time. By combining two exercises, the exerciser also improves his endurance.

What are combined sets?

Combined sets is a bodybuilding technique that consists of linking two exercises in order to work a well-defined muscle group. The aim of this technique is to accentuate the intensity of the training in order to accelerate mass gain. Like supersets, the exerciser does not take a rest during the sequence.

All about plyometric training

Plyometrics is a jump-based exercise, the main objective of which is to improve the sports performance of the practitioner. The principle of plyometrics is to stretch the muscle or muscle groups as quickly as possible in order to store as much energy as possible allowing it to develop as fast as possible. The movements performed during this technique not only improve the coordination of the movements but also improve the speed and performance of the practitioner. Plyometrics also helps to improve cardio. During the exercise, all muscles are used. The sequences are done with a certain speed, thus increasing the heart rate of the practitioner.

The importance of tempo training in weight training

In bodybuilding,tempo is the pace and manner in which a person performs their workout. It is expressed in four digits and each of its numbers has a specific meaning.

The first digit of the code refers to the eccentric phase of the movement, i. e. the time it will take a practitioner to lower the bar. The second number refers to the time it takes the exerciser to hold the load. The third number corresponds to the positive phase of the movement, i. e. the time it will take the exerciser to raise the load. The last number corresponds to the pause time of the athlete at the top of a movement.

Developing strength in 4 training sessions

Strength is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to contract intensely to allow a joint to move a load. It is important to work on your strength to develop your muscle reflexes.

A person's muscular strength varies depending on their physical conditions, neuromuscular system, how well their joints work in performing movements, as well as the number of muscles performing the movement. A programme of four sessions will build muscle strength.

Muscle intensification methods

Muscle intensification methods are used in order to diversify the strength training exercises, with the aim of avoiding stagnation. They allow for improved recovery, strength of the practitioner, mobility in the execution of movements and obviously a much larger muscle mass.

The best known methods of muscle intensification are: variation of tempo, maintaining a constant effort, the Bulgarian method which consists of varying the weight of the loads, partial repetitions or variation of the amplitude of the movements, the rest pause, pre-fatigue, and the drop set,the deload or the chaining of several series.

What is pre-fatigue?

Pre-fatigue is an isolation exercise performed before starting a high-level workout or competition. This technique consists of performing basic exercises to strengthen the muscles to be worked.

What you need to know about the negative repetition

Negative repetition is a strength training technique that consists of repeating the negative phase of a strength training movement. It is during this stage of work that the muscles are most hardened, so we try to retain this state for as long as possible in order to accelerate muscle development.

Training methods

The full body: The full body consists of working all the muscles of the entire body during each training session. All the muscles of the body are worked at the same time in order to even out their development.

The SPLIT method: The Split method consists of working only one or two muscle groups during each training session. This is done by multiplying the number of sets performed by the athlete until they are completely exhausted. After the intense effort session, the muscles must be allowed to recover for at least a week.

MacS7 coaching: it consists of training less frequently in order to increase motivation. Each training session does not exceed fifteen minutes, with exercises that require intense efforts.

The push pull legs is a mass gain technique that builds up different parts of the body in 3 separate sessions. During the programme, the upper body muscles capable of pushing (push), the upper body muscles capable of pulling (pull) and the legs (legs) are worked. Each session corresponds to a specific muscle group.

The benefits of congestion to gain muscle

In bodybuilding,the phenomenon of congestion is achieved by contracting the muscles for a certain period of time. This phenomenon is represented by the abundance of blood circulation in the vessels in order to bring to the muscles all the nutrients and oxygen they need in their development. To achieve good muscle congestion, good nutrition, proper exercise and sufficient recovery are key elements.

hiit vs liss

HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training

HIIT is a technique that consists of alternating moments of intense effort and rest for a limited time. The aim is to change the pace of the workout in order to burn as much fat as possible and to improve the endurance of the trainee. There are several types of HIIT methods: Tabata, the Little method, and the 8/12 protocol.

The LISS or Low Intensity Steady State

Opposed to HIIT,LISS is a technique that consists of training at low intensity for a long period of time. The aim of this technique is to improve the endurance of the athlete by keeping the heart rate stable for a certain period of time. Practised for at least thirty minutes, it also helps to burn calories.

What is Crossfit?

Thecrossfit a physical training program that relies on very intense efforts. It is used to facilitate the performance of physical activities and promotes muscle development. Crossfit is practiced by combining various sports disciplines in a single workout.

Electrostimulation in bodybuilding

Electrostimulation is a technique that is used to stimulate muscle strength and endurance. It consists of diffusing electrical impulses of intensity via the nerve fibres to the muscles with the aim of provoking muscle contractions. This technique is particularly used during major competitions to prepare the practitioner.

The importance of the neuromuscular connection in muscle gain

Neuromuscular connection is the link of the mind and muscles in exercises to work an area of one's body. Good muscle gain relies heavily on the neuromuscular connection. It allows the athlete to better focus on his or her training, to make each workout more successful. Not only does the athlete build up muscle mass, he also muscles his brain to better control the muscle groups.

Concentric/isometric/eccentric contraction

Concentric, isometric, eccentric refer to the type of contraction of a muscle during an exercise. They are used to define the movements to be performed when working a muscle in order to optimise the result. The concentric contraction is when a load is lifted. This is when the muscles are working hardest. The eccentric contraction is when the load is held. It allows the athlete to improve strength and endurance. Isometric contraction is an effort made in a static position. It allows to harden the muscles by remaining without movement and by keeping a position as long as possible.

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