How To Gain Weight

by damien

In theory, winter should be the ideal time to gain weight, as it is the perfect season for good family meals. Despite this, some people struggle to gain body mass even though they eat a lot of food. And yes! Gaining body mass is as difficult a challenge as losing it.

Seeing curves, not drowning in your clothes, having a large body, these are things that many people want. To achieve this, some people simply choose to eat fatty foods, which only compromises their health. In this article we look at the reasons why weight gain can be prevented and some of the possible solutions.

Why do people find it difficult to gain weight?

In addition to the various diseases that hinder body weight gain, other factors related to the body can cause the problem.

A fast metabolism

Metabolism refers to a set of reactions carried out by the cells. A fast metabolism is when the body absorbs nutrients quickly. It refers to a category of people who have a very low fat mass. These people can eat an extremely high amount of food and still be slim all year round.

Their bodies stock few calories. In most cases this is due to high thyroid activity. This type of person is called an 'ectomorph'.

Poor assimilation of meals

Another possibility in people who have difficulty gaining weight is that the amount of gastric juices produced by their intestine is insufficient, which prevents the normal breakdown of food. As a result, because of this unbroken food, the intestinal walls are damaged and are unable to perform their role of redistributing proteins, carbohydrates, and fatty acids throughout the body.

Tricks to make weight gain easier

Even if the body is struggling to gain body and muscle mass, there are a few things you can do to correct this on a daily basis.

Eat more often

This solution is for people with a fast metabolism. When the body burns calories easily, eating several times a day would allow it to secrete insulin. The latter will contribute to building new cells that are conducive to weight gain. It is not necessarily necessary, in this case, to double the quantity of food, but to spread the usual quantity between 6 meals a day, for example. Taking snacks in the middle of meals is also favourable, to boost weight gain.

Eat fruit and vegetables

It may seem incredible, but certain fruits and vegetables can play a considerable role in weight gain. They improve the intestine's ability to assimilate food. It is the soluble fibres contained in them that do this work. So, don't forget to eat strawberries, pears, oranges, apples, grapefruit, cabbage, carrots, beans, asparagus, etc.

More calories, less exercise

Counting calories is not just for those who want to lose weight. The inability to gain weight can be caused by using more energy than the amount of food you eat. It is therefore necessary to ensure that you eat rich but balanced food, while limiting your training. As for the foods to be favoured, lipids and carbohydrates are perfect allies for gaining weight.

Favouring fats

Lipids are an ideal way to increase calorie intake. They are macronutrients with a very high energy value. Indeed, 1 gram of fat provides 9 Kcal. Examples of foods that provide healthy fats are oily fish, meat, eggs, avocado, dairy products, etc.

Increase carbohydrate intake

As carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy, you should increase your intake of carbohydrates by 50 to 80 g per day, divided between meals and snacks. The easiest way to do this is to mix sugar with a liquid. To prevent carbohydrate consumption from becoming too heavy, consider varying the sources of carbohydrates: fruit juice, tubers, starchy foods, etc. Increasing calorie intake requires drinking more water, as this overconsumption requires 2 to 4 litres of water per day, depending on your weight, so that the food can be assimilated correctly.

Limit exercise

Two or three times a week, with short sessions and long rest periods will be sufficient to keep fit. It is essential to limit yourself to the so-called "basic" exercises or to do targeted sessions to develop a particular muscle. Always remember that heavy exercise must be compensated for by calorie-rich food.

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