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Hypertrophy And Exercise To The Point Of Muscle Failure

by damien

This parameter is often brought up when trying to get the best hypertrophic  response possible. What is it? Muscular failure can be defined as the point reached when at the end of a set, with a given load, one can no longer produce the force necessary to continue the correct and complete execution of the movement.

IN theory

There are several theories that support this principle and are frequently put forward to argue for it and to support the optimisation of the hypertrophic response.

The main one is that with the accumulation of fatigue, the number of motor units (i. e. muscle fibres) activated progressively increases, resulting in greater stimulation. On the other hand, with the high demand on the anaerobic glycolysis pathway, the conditions are required to increase metabolic stress and thus stimulate hormonal responses.

A 2005 study published in the Journal of Strenght and Conditioning Research found that 10RM sets performed to muscle failure resulted in a significantly greater post-exercise rise in GH levels than the same load performed without muscle failure.

Nevertheless, the debate remains open as to the efficacy of this strategy because if it is not used properly, in other words if it is not planned, it inevitably leads to overtraining and its harmful effects on hypertrophy. After a few weeks, IGF-1 concentrations at rest decrease as well as testosterone levels (2). It has also been observed, as confirmed by recent studies (3), that a psychological collapse or "burnout" occurs which is very detrimental to the quality of training as well as to any progress.

It therefore seems reasonable to plan well for the effects of the drug on the body. It therefore seems reasonable to foresee the periods during which this strategy will be used and obviously to prepare them well during the previous cycles and above all to know what to continue with if one wants to get the quintessence of it.

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