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What are the ideal food supplements for beginners in bodybuilding ?

by damien

As a beginner, it is not easy to choose dietary supplements for bodybuilding with all the proposals for sale on specialized websites or in fitness stores. How to know which products are suitable for bodybuilding at home? Is it necessary to take everything from the beginning? Is it necessary to take certain supplements to progress without risk of injury? 

When starting a sport practice, in order to progress faster and to reach the objectives as for the bodybuilders, it is necessary to have a small help. Here are some lists of the best dietary supplements selected for beginners in bodybuilding as well as its benefits to see more clearly. 

Food supplements for beginners in bodybuilding

Before you start bodybuilding, you should know that the protein intake must be compatible or even higher than the effort spent in the gym in order to build muscle mass, otherwise there is no point in wasting time on bodybuilding because the results will be unsatisfactory or even counterproductive. 

For your information, when building mass, it is recommended to take about 2g of protein per kilo of the practitioner's weight. And to lose weight, the ideal dose is between 1 and 1.4g per kilo.

With the practice of bodybuilding, protein-based dietary supplements are very beneficial. It is also an excellent way to supplement the protein intake already provided by meals.

There are many types of protein that can interest beginners. 


Whey is a very high protein product that comes from whey from the production of cheese and then processed into a powder. It contains very little fat and carbohydrates. It can provide many benefits. In addition to gaining muscle, it gives energy and helps to lose fat. It is also a fast source of protein for the body. Whey is digested very quickly and therefore can be consumed just before starting to build muscle or just after the session to compensate for the efforts. 


Casein is also a protein found in milk. It reduces the degradation of proteins in the body. It is digested much more slowly than whey. It releases amino acids in a continuous and lasting way for several hours after intake. 

 It is therefore ideal to take it before going to sleep. The body rested during the hours of sleep will promote muscle recovery with casein. 


Creatine is one of the unavoidable food supplements for all athletes who want to improve their performance. It is probably one of the most studied food supplements. It has been shown that it is very effective and is not dangerous to health. It contributes a lot to the growth of the muscular mass and to the improvement of the strength. It gives a lot of energy to be able to repeat movements and to lift heavier loads. In terms of food, it is present in red meats, breads and seafood. 

It is ideal to consume a creatine-based dietary supplement about 30 minutes before starting training, or just after exercise.  

Note that this food supplement is not suitable for teenagers, so the use of creatine remains controversial for all athletes under 18 years. 


The BCAA are the acronym of "Branched Chain Amino Acid" or branched chain amino acids in French. They are food supplements based on protein fractions composed of valine, leucine and isoleucine. These 3 amino acids are essential because they have the ability to support the gain of muscle mass. 

They can be taken before or after workouts. It is also possible to take them during training if the duration is more than 30 minutes. 


The gainer is a protein composed of carbohydrates in more or less large quantities. It is composed of about 50% protein and 50% carbohydrates up to 60% against 40%. It is a food supplement to be favored for a consequent mass gain.

It can be consumed as a snack before or after training. The gainer is also the dietary supplement that is very expensive.


HMB is a dietary supplement based on a metabolite of L-Leucine, a branched amino acid that belongs to the BCAA family. It contains L-Isoleucine and L-Valine. It can be synthesized only in small quantities by the body from leucine. It improves protein synthesis, muscle building and development. 


Tribulus is a plant that is present in many dietary supplements. It contains saponins which are steroidal molecules. It helps to improve sexual and sports performance. 


Betaine is a natural nutrient. It can be found in many foods such as wheat germ for example. It is one of the best supplements to gain muscle. It improves the body composition and gives strength. 


Phosphatidylserine is an anti-cortisol food supplement. It is both beneficial for sports and cognitive performance. It is an anti-stress agent that allows to produce testosterone in important quantities. 

Mucuna pruriens 

Mucuna pruriens is a plant. A small extract of this plant is used in many hormone boosters. It promotes the production of testosterone and growth hormone. 

In short, it is important to take dietary supplements in order to promote performance and achieve the goals set especially for muscle mass gain. There are several types of dietary supplements, so it is important to choose them carefully and to know whether or not they are suitable for the type of exercise you do. It is also advisable to respect the time of intake of supplements so that it is not counterproductive. 

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