Best Abs Exercises

by damien

Any bodybuilding enthusiast will tell you: sculpting abs requires not only effort, but also patience. To get the results you want, you can choose from a multitude of exercises to practice. Be aware, however, that a workout that works for the average person will not necessarily have the same effect on you, especially as the goals vary from one individual to another.

The choice of an ab exercise does not only depend on the desired result. It is also necessary to know the anatomy of the abdominal muscles, their roles and their principles of operation.

The structure of the abdominal muscles

The abdominal girdle supports the spine, in addition to supporting the organs and viscera. It is formed by 5 abdominal muscles which are:

- The transverse: this is the muscle that stabilises the bust. It forms the deepest muscle of the abdominal strap.

- The rectus: this is the most visible muscle of the abdominal strap. It is located on the anterior part of the abdomen and gives the abdominal muscles their chocolate bar appearance.

- The large and small oblique: these muscles are located on the side. They are in the form of a V; the small oblique is located under the large oblique. They ensure the rotation of the trunk and the lateral flexion.

- Serratus Maximus: This muscle is located on the lateral wall of the thorax and also holds the scapula. It has a saw-tooth shape. The serratus major is not really involved in the formation of the abdominal muscles, but it plays an aesthetic role, especially for those who want to work on their abdominal muscles.

The above-mentioned muscles play essential roles in abdominal training. To achieve good results, you should therefore focus your training on them.

Getting visible abs: our pro

The first step is to remove the fat around the abdominal muscles. Depending on the level of fat, it is recommended to follow a specific diet. A balanced diet is also an excellent alternative.

This first step is the prerequisite for a well-defined abdomen. Exercises are useless if the fat still remains. Exercises are designed to build muscle, but not to eliminate fat. A healthy and balanced diet is the best solution.

The aesthetic aspect is not the only advantage to be gained from abdominal exercises. They also develop the muscles, allowing you to obtain a reinforced abdominal sheathing. This is essential for certain sports activities.

Please note: one or two exercises, however specific, are not enough to achieve a noticeable result. You need to plan a whole series of exercises. When grouped together in an ab training programme, these exercises will help you to progressively develop the entire abdominal muscles.

Failure-proof exercises to develop your abs

Head and Shoulders Lift

The head and shoulders lift mainly strengthens the upper rectus muscles. For beginners, this is a basic exercise to practice. For advanced exercisers, use this exercise as a warm-up to get the session off to a good start.

To perform a head and shoulders lift, follow these steps:

- Lying down with your back to the floor, arms at your side, legs bent and feet flat. This is the starting position.

- Then pull in your chin.

- Gradually lift your head, then your shoulders and arms.

During the whole exercise, breathe out as gently as possible. If the exercise is still difficult for you, you can hold your elbows and forearms on the floor. This will reduce the load you are carrying.

To start with, repeat the exercise at least six times. As you train, you can adjust the number of repetitions.

The crunch-abdos

Especially for beginners, the crunch-abdos is a rather delicate exercise. A wrong movement can lead to injuries to the spine and pelvic floor. Nevertheless, it remains an effective exercise for developing the rectus abdominis.

The crunch-abdos is the basic one, but there are many variations of the crunch. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can move on to the next step, which requires much more effort. These include:

- the unsupported leg raise crunch,

- crunch cross-legged,

- Double crunch,

- Crunch on gym ball,

The double crunch, in particular, aims to develop the upper and lower abdominal muscles. The crunch on a gym ball is the latest version that helps you build oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.

To do an ab crunch, you need to lie down with your back pressed against the floor, legs resting on the floor and arms crossed over your chest. Then, contract your abs until your shoulders are off the ground. Then gradually lower yourself back to the starting position.

Exhale slowly on the way up and inhale slowly on the way down.

Repeat this exercise between 8-12 times.

The plank

The plank is one of the most popular abdominal exercises. The reason for this is that it gives excellent results. This exercise looks easy to do, but it requires a lot of effort and endurance.

The starting position will be: lying on your stomach, forearms on the floor, elbows in line with the shoulders, toes on the floor. Then, concentrate on a point on the floor between your hands. Keep your spine and neck straight. Raise your body by leaning on your forearms and toes. Hold this position for at least 20 seconds. Rest your body flat and start again.

Repeat this movement at least 6 times during each session.


The scissors is still by far the best exercise to achieve a V-shaped abdomen. It helps you to build up the oblique abdominals, as well as working your legs and pecs.

There are a few steps to a successful scissor lift.

- Sitting position, buttocks on the floor, arms back, hands flat to balance the body.

- Lift your leg and then the other one and repeat as much as possible.

For more efficiency, it is recommended to tighten the abdominal belt during this exercise.

The roulette

The roulette is an ab exercise that is mainly aimed at regulars and advanced exercisers. It requires the use of a particular material, the roulette. This can be replaced by a barbell with two light weights.

The roulette is very effective for strengthening the entire abdominal belt. It combines sheathing and dynamic movement, which not only works the deep and surface muscles at the same time, but also develops the lumbar region.

To do a roulette, kneel down with your arms outstretched. Then grab the roller. Make sure your arms are at a 45° angle to the floor. Roll the caster in front of you as far as you can, then return to the starting position.

Note that you can also stand on your toes for support.

The bicycle

The bicycle targets both the upper and lower abdominals. It is a conditioning exercise for the entire abdominal muscles. However, it also works the leg muscles.

Step 1: Lie down with your back and head on the floor.

Second step: pedal your legs in the air.

Third step: without stopping pedalling, lift your shoulders one after the other towards the opposite knee.

Repeat the exercise 12 times in two steps at each session.

Leg raise

To complete this exercise you will need a pull-up bar to hold onto.

Hold on to the pull-up bar. Make sure you keep your torso straight. Then raise your legs straight up. If possible, try to touch the bar with your feet.

This movement is quite complicated, but it will help you to work on the power and volume of the abdominal belt at the same time.

It is also recommended to practice this exercise at the beginning of the session to make sure you have enough energy and strength.

Remember that for every exercise, the correct execution and quality counts more than the number of repetitions performed.

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