The Effectiveness of Core workout

by damien

The Effectiveness of Core workout

Strength train can be done in several ways: in the gym with machines, free weights, body weights, outdoors, at home. Here we are going to talk to you about bodybuilding.

This is an exercise that can be done at home. Indeed, it is a practical and advantageous training for people who do not have time to go to the gym and who want to work the abdominal muscles.

Core workout, what exactly is it?

Core workout is simply a common exercise in bodybuilding. The aim is to hold the push-up position for longer with the weight distributed over the forearms and feet.

The aim is to keep the back straight while contracting all the muscles. This allows the user to remain stable during the activity. Given the goal, the work is done in isometry.

What are the benefits of Core workout?

As it is a muscle-building exercise, it allows you to work your muscles. This is why the glutes, abdominal muscles, back, quadriceps and pectoral muscles are worked in the first line. Thanks to the strengthening of the abdominal belt, there will be no pain on the back.

In addition,Core workout in bodybuilding allows you to have a flat stomach and to improve your posture. Balance will come into play with the help of weight management between the upper and lower limbs. In addition, there is no risk of injury. It is only necessary to adopt the best position.

Core workout is essential in many sports activities (basketball, running, . . . ) because the whole body will be put to work and will gain power. The other advantage of this exercise is that it can be practiced by everyone. When practising it, sports enthusiasts can continue for minutes, even hours, and people who are not used to physical activity can stay for a few seconds. But as time goes on, they will make significant progress.

What to do before you start lifting?

Before maximizing strength production, it is important to know and follow certain points. The evaluation of the tonicity must be carried out beforehand. To do this, the pump is the ideal solution. In this rhythm, the body should be well aligned and the back should be deep.

The contraction of the abdomen is another step to close the trunk. After that, the position should be maintained as long as possible. The test ends once the hips collapse or the knees touch the ground. Afterwards, the level of the Core workout will be evaluated as follows:

  • low if less than 30 s
  • medium if the level varies between 30 seconds and 1 minute
  • good if the level varies between 1 and 2 min
  • excellent if the level is more than 2 min

How to progress in Core workout ?

It is important to note that it is possible to progress in weight training, especially if the level still seems unsatisfactory. For that, the use of a machine makes it possible to improve the classification. The practice of the Core workout is done every morning, but twice a week.

To begin with, it should be done for 60 seconds with 3 sets of isometric contractions. Between each series, the recovery of 30 seconds is to be privileged. The plank exercise is also a good physical activity.

Over the course of the sessions, it is best to vary the exercise. Maintaining the position on a medicine ball helps to accentuate the imbalance. The use of a push up wheel is also a way of boosting the Core workout. Both types of equipment are effective in strengthening the muscles.

For more progress, the ideal is to complicate the movement. Simply reduce the supports on the upper limbs and feet. Then, start the high push-up position again on two supports, i. e. , the left arm raise and the right leg raise. These should be in line with the back. Then hold them and repeat them on the other side.

Progress in the Core workout technique also takes time. This is why it is essential to set aside time for recovery during training. This is essential for the structuring of the muscles. It is even better to increase the amount of Core workout sessions and increase compliance.

It is best to stick to one session of bodyweight training per week for a year. If it is only after one month, it is recommended to do 4 sessions per week. Indeed, various types of bodyweight training activities exist. It is up to the practitioner to increase the number of sessions to be carried out so that they can progress over time.

For a better practice, it is always advisable to meet a coach specialized in bodybuilding to be able to enjoy its advantages. He is the only one who can give the best advice and techniques for this kind of sport. He will even be able to provide guidance throughout the training.

Techniques to follow during the training session

Whatever the level of the Core workout, it is essential to opt for the right technique. This will enhance the ability to maintain curvatures as needed. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Hold the curves without putting them down
  • Draw the top of the skull forward
  • Contract the abdominal muscles and the buttocks
  • Look at the ground

In case it is the ability to close the belts that needs to be improved, the techniques are as follows:

  • Gather the abs and the glutes
  • Curl the lower back by turning the pelvis backwards
  • Rounding the upper back by pushing the shoulders and elbows into the floor
  • Pulling back the chin

Steps to Avoid When doing a Core workout

Most of the time, some people follow a few positions that are common on the internet or in the gym. However, these positions are dangerous and do not bring any benefit to the body, so in order to obtain a good result they should be avoided. The first bad position is:

  • lose buttocks and abs
  • accentuating the curves

Secondly, lumbar hyperextension and a broken neck are also positions to be avoided.

Finally, the third unfavourable position is:

  • deformed curves
  • relaxed glutes
  • reduced sheathing effort


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