Increase Your Forearms

by damien

How to Increase Your Forearms

Forearm training is often overlooked in comparison to biceps and triceps training. Nevertheless, muscular forearms are great assets because they allow you to perform certain exercises easily. In addition, these muscles balance and complement the arms.

In order to develop the forearm muscles, you need to choose the best exercises carefully. Upstream with forearm exercises, equipment is required depending on the movements to be performed but there are also exercises that do not require equipment.

The best forearm exercises

The extensor

This type of strength training consists of basic and isolation exercises. It is more effective to do a variation of the curl for the basic exercises. By performing the barbell curl with your hands in pronation, your forearm muscles and biceps will be well stimulated. However, the curl variation does not allow for much more biceps mobilization, unlike the classic barbell curl. However, it is a better exercise for the forearms.

As for the isolation exercise for the extensors, the hand extensions and wrist extensions at the bar promote the isolation of the work of the forearm muscles. These types of activities are easy to perform with a pronated barbell. Simply place the support on the forearms and then perform hand extensions while holding the barbell.

For more results, you can perform a high position for one or two seconds to cause more contraction. During the release, lower the bar gently to avoid a sudden movement and the use of the elastic force of the tendons as this will stop the work of the forearms and risk injuring the tendons. All in all, slow work is effective for forearm training.


The best exercise for the flexors is always in isolation. The movement is similar to the extensor but the grip is supinated but not pronated. Similar to the previous exercise, contraction for one to two seconds in the up position is essential but slow release is always advisable.

The radial brachio

Dumbbells are necessary for the curl in this exercise. In particular, it is done with a hammer grip or neutral grip, with the thumbs positioned upwards. This is an effective movement for a long supine. Essentially, it works the biceps much more and makes them bigger.

In addition, some tips on how to perform the zottman curl, which is a combination of the dumbbell curl and the reverse curl.

  • From a standing position, place the dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing forward.
  • Then, flex your right arm, keeping your palm up as you lift,
  • Then, in the up position, move the wrist so that the palm of the hand is down and lower the dumbbell to the side,
  • As you lower the right hand, flex the left arm with the left hand, palm still facing up,
  • Continue this arm bending exercise, memorize the technique (raise the dumbbell, point the palm up, lower the dumbbell and point the palm down).

To begin with, work with one arm or both arms together. When you have mastered the exercise, switch to the alternate version.

But what are the advantages of exercises without equipment and with equipment?


Without equipment you can already perform curls, deadlifts and pull-ups. You gain more flexibility in the wrist muscles and improve your grip strength. Starting without equipment saves you from injury while developing striking and throwing strength. In addition, the exercise can be done at any time of the day.

For example: simple climbing or climbing activity, pull-ups done with a towel around a bar, Wrist push-ups, etc. However, forearm exercises without equipment do not build mass. They are limited to grip and resistance work.

Indeed, for those who wish to gain more mass in the forearms, the basic exercises are essential. It is necessary to move on to a more advanced level using weights for example.


Forearm exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells allow you to properly develop all the muscles of the forearm by moving and maintaining the position of the wrist and elbow with upper body exercises. The movements that can be performed with dumbbells are flexion, extension, rotation, abduction and adduction of the wrist.

Compared to a barbell exercise, a dumbbell exercise promotes a more natural movement. In addition, it is easy to work individually with each forearm or bilaterally with dumbbells. The movements are more comfortable and prevent injuries to the wrists or forearms.

In addition, dumbbells adjust the angle and amplitude with simple, free movements. They also help with muscle imbalances. It is advisable to start with light dumbbells, the work of the muscles is based on the repetition of the exercise.

Then, you can progress on the loads with short series to protect your joints. In particular, pronated rotation, supinated rotation, abduction to wrist adduction and adduction to wrist abduction are examples of exercises with dumbbells.

Forearm exercises with pulley / machine

Machines and pulleys are effective equipment for targeted strength training. In particular, the small muscles of the forearm are stimulated the most. Exercises with this equipment also promote the isolation of the forearm muscles. The forearm exercises with the pulley/machine can be varied according to the availability of the accessories.

  • With the machines, you can concentrate on the muscles better because you work less on the balance, but the movements are less natural,
  • With stress balls or tennis balls, you can increase your grip strength by engaging your wrist and forearm muscles,
  • Grippers are made to work the grip more
  • The pulley, offers a constant tension on the muscle
  • Forearm exercises at the bar

The bar effectively aids resistance in wrist flexion and extension movements. Muscle growth is ensured by using this equipment which can be practiced in sitting, standing and kneeling positions.

Elbow curls are also exercises for the forearms. But isometric work already stresses the flexors. Focus on the extensors to balance the forces around the wrist and elbow.

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