The Kick Back to Strengthen Your Triceps

by damien

In the world of sport, everyone has their own natural abilities, regardless of the level of development in the gym. These abilities differ according to physical characteristics, including body type. The most important thing is to improve one's abilities, to overcome one's weaknesses and to become a better version of oneself.

This is why practitioners are always looking for the ideal technique that will help them to evolve. However, there are so many exercises and movements that it is difficult to identify which ones are really effective. But did you know the kick-back?

It's the perfect exercise to get decent triceps! The triceps, with its three muscles, is the part of the arm that gives the most volume. Focusing on it could only be beneficial. At first glance, the movements look simple, but they are quite complicated to perform, but undeniably effective.

What is the Kick Back?

It is an isolation exercise for the triceps, with the aim of gaining volume and strength on the back of the shoulder and arm. Mastering this exercise is important not only for weight trainers and bodybuilders, but also for many disciplines that involve the arm or shoulder, including swimming, various throwing exercises, etc.

Also called "back extension",its realization requires only a bench and a dumbbell, which makes it possible to practice it at home. However, it must be performed with a certain technique in order to ensure its effectiveness.

The aim is not to work with heavy dumbbells, but to feel the congestion of the triceps. Several muscles located in the arm work during its execution, depending on the movements in question: the lateral chief, the medial chief, the long chief, the anconeus or the posterior deltoid.

How to perform the Kick Back?

Stand next to a bench. Place one hand on the bench to stabilize your upper body. Next, extend your arm below your shoulder and bring your lower leg forward by moving your outer leg back. During this movement, the torso should be inclined horizontally.

You can either place your lower leg on the bench so that the hips are supported or stay in the old position. Next, you should take a dumbbell and push it forward. During this movement, the arm should be kept alongside the body.

You should then bend your elbow so that the forearm remains vertical. Afterwards, you should breathe in, holding your breath slightly, and increase the load, with your arms still stationary. The arms should be in line with the chest. When the extension is done, exhale. When done, hold as much contraction as possible before returning to the starting position. Rest for a few seconds and then start again.

Some tips for more efficiency

In order for the triceps to be as strong as possible, it is important that the chest remains immobile in a horizontal position.

The breathing games are to be taken very seriously: exhale during the contraction and inhale during the descent.

The execution must be done strictly, otherwise the exercise loses all its effectiveness. Since the long portion is what is sought, the instructions according to which the forearm must be stretched as much as possible and the arm must be higher than the back are essential.

Remember that the objective is not to support large loads but to solicit the long portion and to promote congestion. Therefore, avoid loads that are too heavy to ensure maximum range of motion.

During the descent under load, the elbows should be kept as tight as possible or at 45°.

It would be beneficial to divide the exercise into two parts in order to ensure the intensity of the long section. The first would be to place the arm fully extended alongside the body, while the second would be to raise it as high as possible, over the back, with a pause after the movements.

The torso and shoulders should be kept parallel to the ground for maximum muscle engagement.

To ensure that the movements are performed correctly, opt for professional assistance (coach).

Variations of kick back

The Kick Back can be performed with both arms at the same time. This type of kick back is much more complicated to perform, but it is also more effective.

By using both arms, the hip and back muscles are used more. Indeed, they are the only supports of the body, allowing it to remain immobile. It is then difficult to keep the body balanced and to raise the arm above the shoulders, but it is possible for the most experienced.

It can also be performed sitting at the end of the bench. For maximum tension in the triceps, it is also possible to perform the exercise on the low pulley.

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