Parallel Bar Repulsive Dips

by damien

Fitness training plays a very important role in the development of the muscles of the human body. The exercises and movements to be done depend on the muscle concerned. We can mention the "dips" among the bodybuilding exercises that consist in giving shape to the triceps (part of the arm). Focus on the practice of "dips".

What are "dips"?

It is a sport practice that consists of increasing the volume of the muscle of the arms called "triceps" and optimizing its appearance. This exercise can be done at home if the person has the necessary equipment.

If not, he or she can join a gym or a fitness centre. It is important to note that dips should be performed in addition to other exercises that serve to improve the condition of the triceps. Therefore, it should be integrated into the usual practice.

The practice of weight training exercises should not be neglected under any circumstances. All dips should be performed according to the rules, whether you are a beginner or a bodybuilder. In fact, dips refer to the two parallel bars on which the movements are performed as well as the movements performed on them.

Simply put, dips are very effective "flexion-extension" exercises for the triceps. Simply with this exercise, the triceps swell and become much more compact.

How to do dips?

First of all, it is essential to know that the "dips" are exercised between parallel bars. To perform them, you must extend your arms, making sure to push on the palms of your hands.

Then, it is necessary to maintain the rib cage open and to slightly fix the glance towards the front. Then all that remains is to bend the elbows and unfold them. It is important to respect the positions so as not to make false movements.

When bending the elbows, lower the torso to a fairly low level, almost parallel to the ground. Adjust the movements according to the level of flexibility of the practitioner. And to return to the initial position, it is imperative to contract the triceps with great force.

This is how these muscles get a nice shape. The movement is to be repeated as many times as possible until the energy is exhausted.

Some useful tips on dips and rules to follow

When practising this exercise, here are some rules to follow to perfect the practice and to obtain satisfactory results.

And this, within a reasonable time. It is important to know that failure to follow the rules of the practice can cause injury.

First of all, it is necessary to avoid going too low when bending the elbows in case the practitioner lacks strength or flexibility. Indeed, the exercise of this movement requires a lot of energy as well as a minimum of flexibility.

Thus, it is not recommended to practice dips if the person is tired. It will simply be useless. Secondly, it is important to avoid adding extra weight if the movement is not yet well acquired. This will protect the triceps from all kinds of damage, such as tears.

Of course, it should not be forgotten that improper practice can damage muscles and bones. The practice of dips is quite delicate since they involve several parts of the torso.

Therefore, it is imperative to respect the rules in order to preserve the condition of the body: flesh, muscles and bones.

On the other hand, if the person is sure to master the "dips" perfectly, nothing prevents him from adding extra weights according to his convenience.

Moreover, if the practitioner feels strong enough to weight himself, he can consider finishing the " dips " by decreasing series. This will increase the difficulty of the exercise. In this way, it becomes quicker to achieve visible results.

Alternatively, there is a more effective way to increase the intensity without having to add extra weights. To do this, the dipster has the option of stopping the downward movement for five seconds. This is the principle of variation of tempos.

Basically, dips are very useful for training the triceps. In fact, this physical exercise helps to develop the triceps of both arms, making them more massive and more beautiful to see.

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