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Insulin, a Hormone Favourable to Athletes Wanting to Gain Weight Constantly

by damien

For top athletes or even those just starting out in bodybuilding, muscle mass gain is highly sought after, especially for those of an ectomorphic nature with a fairly thin build.

Researchers have proven that insulin is essential for good muscle growth because of the various effects it has on the metabolism of nutrients in the body. To find out a little more about this hormone, here is some information about it.

Insulin, what is it really?

First and foremost, insulin is an endocrine hormone, this means that it is proteinaceous in nature, its structure is formed by two polypeptide chains A and B both linked by a covalent disulfide bond and it is secreted by the pancreatic beta cells of the Islet of Langerhans. Its main role is the regulation of carbohydrates in the blood, by taking up glucose and storing it in the cells.

It therefore lowers blood sugar levels and makes you feel hungry. But it also plays a crucial role in cellular anabolism by interfering in lipid and protein metabolism, as it plays a role in regulating the latter. Nowadays it is produced by biotechnology and is used as a treatment for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but it is also sought after for its muscle-building virtues.

The human body produces 40 to 50 units daily, but this depends on the individual's metabolism. If an athlete wants to inject insulin, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor to know the dose to prescribe for a good mass gain

The role of insulin in anabolism and muscle mass gain

Insulin is involved in various metabolisms of body tissues such as liver, muscle and fat. For athletes, its key role in cellular anabolism is the main focus, it ensures muscle storage of glucose, amino acids and potassium, essential for muscle contraction.

It regulates blood sugar, when cellular receptors capture the presence of carbohydrate in the diet, there will be synthesis and then release of insulin which will capture the sugars and store them in the strict glucodependent organs such as the brain, liver, muscle. Its concentration varies according to the blood sugar level and the glycemic index of a food.

As insulin is called the hunger hormone, the body has to balance it and create its antagonist which is the hyperglycaemic hormone glucagon. Intense physical exercise favours insulin hypersecretion, so for mass gain it is important to choose foods with a high glycaemic index and to provide the necessary fuel that plays a role in starting anabolism.

It is essential to be careful not to consume too many carbohydrates with a high glycemic index outside of training sessions as this hormone plays a role in fat storage, excess glucose that is not stored is metabolised into triglycerides.

For proteins, it provides a boost in the phenomenon of turnover (balance between anabolism and catabolism), so it ensures good muscle development but not at any time.

It is important to know that it is only favourable in this area after a muscular effort session when the tissues are in catabolism, the glucoses ingested after the food will produce a peak of insulin and therefore activation of the amino acid receptors in the muscles for protein synthesis.

There are essential amino acids such as BCAA in food supplements, which promote an effective insulin peak for muscle gain.

The use of insulin in bodybuilding, precautions to take into account

Some athletes wonder why they should not play on the peak of insulin in the long term. This can be a huge mistake. It is true that insulin always makes you feel hungry and the body can eat more to gain muscle mass, but you should not forget its role as a fat accumulator and therefore a risk of becoming overweight.

Moreover, the optimal dosage is to be studied because it varies from one person to another, so great care must be taken. The ideal solution to regulate it is obviously after physical effort with the right food but also during breakfast where its peak is quite important.

But don't forget the crucial role of proteins in mass gain, so you should double your usual ration through food or food supplements. Indeed, a false dosage of insulin could prove fatal for the body, especially for high-level athletes who use it as a doping agent. It matches its action with male hormones such as testosterone or somatotropin to boost endurance and power.

Some bodybuilders use it in the synthesis of glycogen and thus improve recovery and accentuate protein synthesis, all with the aim of doubling muscle volume in order to prepare for a competition associated with a supplement rich in carbohydrate of high glycemic index.

In the cases mentioned above, an injection of insulin would be very useful, the only problem is the exact dosage because in case of a dosage error, it can prove fatal to the organism.

The symptoms can vary, but one of the most frequent is the loss of consciousness during physical efforts due to the actions of insulin on water retention which can worsen towards a lethargic state by coma and even death.

But there are also risks of protein and fluid disturbances in the body favouring the appearance of oedema. Some use a combined insulin and steroid doping which could lead to the slow destruction of the pancreas and thus favour the appearance of insulin resistant diabetes.

It is undeniable that insulin plays a key role in the field of bodybuilding because of its interventions with many metabolisms. But an injection would be risky and its effects are unpredictable. The best thing to do is to use natural methods by controlling your activity through diet and supplements that help you to peak, but not forgetting when to eat certain foods to avoid excess fat.

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