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What Foods Are Enriched With Omega 3

by damien

Most of the time, men are not aware that apart from vitamins, their body needs other nutrients like Omega 3. In this situation therefore,food  enriched with Omega 3 is important to benefit from a balanced diet. For this, here is a list confirming all the foods that contain them.

What exactly is Omega 3?

One of the main constituents of lipids, Omega 3 belongs to the family of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega 3 comes in different categories.

  • ALA or Alpha-Linolenic Acid, also known as essential, is important for the body. The body is unable to produce it naturally.
  • EPA or EicosaPentaenoic Acid: the human body has the power to synthesise it through ALA. And to ensure that the transformation rates are balanced, it is therefore advisable to eat foods enriched with EPA.
  • DHA or Docosa-Hexaenoic Acid: Like EPA, DHA is also formed through ALA. Despite this, it is still necessary to follow a special diet. In addition, the conversion of ALL by the body is less than 10%.

Why should we give priority to a good ration of Omega 3 and Omega 6?

Once again, Omega 3 and Omega 6 are nutrients, more precisely fatty acids, which are essential for the body. They play a role of mutual self-regulation, which means that the anticoagulant and vasodilator action of Omega 3 and the coagulant action of Omega 6 are interdependent. To maintain a balance in the body, the amount of Omega 3 and Omega 6 must necessarily be controlled.

Unfortunately, this ratio is usually unbalanced as the body consumes more Omega 6 than Omega 3. Therefore, the diet must be rich in Omega 3 to make it stable. With a balanced diet, the body will have several advantages, especially in terms of cardiac activity.

Foods containing Omega 3

Foods of animal origin

To consume foods enriched with Omega 3, it is necessary to know that it can be found in many foods. Here in foods of animal origin, it can be found in the following list:

  • cod liver oil

One of the foods of animal origin rich in Omega 3 is cod liver oil. Apart from its energizing power, this cod liver oil also contains vitamins D and A. It provides the body with the recommended daily intake of one of these vitamins.

  • Oily fish

Oily fish are distinguished from lean and white fish by the presence of Omega 3. However, wild fish are better than farmed fish when it comes to heavy metals. As far as fatty fish are concerned, salmon can be found. These minimise the risk of heart disease or depression. Thus, it is essential to consume more than 4000 mg per portion of salmon to remain in good health. Mackerel, a small oily fish, also provides omega-3s in addition to vitamins B12 and selenium.

For this, 4100 mg will be enough for excellent health. Then sardines, the most renowned fish in the world, are among the foods rich in Omega 3. In addition to vitamin B12 and the RDA of selenium, they also contain Omega 3. In general, each can of sardines provides 2205 mg of Omega 3.

There is also caviar. These are still fatty fish and can be used especially during large ceremonies. They are rich in Omega 3 but poor in Omega 6. For one measure per teaspoon, it is possible to have 1086 mg of Omega 3. There are countless types of oily fish, which is why there are still anchovies. These are tiny oily fish often used in pizza toppings, salads and olives.

Each tin of anchovies contains 951 mg of Omega 3. Finally, herring, a medium-sized oily fish, is another animal food enriched with Omega 3. They also contain vitamin D and 100% selenium. Often presented smoked, each herring fillet has 3181 mg of fatty acids.

  • Seafood and shellfish

Apart from foods of animal origin, seafood products contain Omega 3. Oysters, for example, are seafood containing 672 mg per 100 g of this type of fatty acid. They are high in zinc and also contain copper and vitamin B 12.

Free-range animals such as flaxseed poultry contain Omega 3. Their meat is richer in fatty acids than meat obtained from animals raised with modern techniques. To further enhance the polyunsaturated fatty acid content of the feed, it is best to choose eggs from flaxseed-fed hens.

Foods of plant origin

Omega 3s are not only found in foods of animal origin. They can also be found in plant foods.

  • Rape seed oils

Rapeseed oil has a balanced ratio in terms of quantity of Omega 3 and Omega 6. It has a very special taste and can also be mixed with other types of oil such as olive oil.

  • Flax

Whether in oil or seed form, flax is always enriched with Omega 3. However, it is impossible to preserve it because of its rapid oxidation. In this case, the best thing to do is to consume the seeds by simply integrating them into the diet. In addition, flaxseeds are rich in fibre and vitamin E.

  • Chia seed

Widely used by vegetarians and vegans, chia seeds contain a huge amount of Omega 3. In addition to this fatty acid, they also have minerals such as protein, manganese, phosphorus and calcium as well as eight amino acids.

  • Nuts

For those who like walnuts, pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts, it is important to know that they also contain Omega 3. Indeed, the oil extracted from these types of nuts contains this fatty acid.

  • Soybeans

Having fibre, vegetable protein, magnesium and potassium, soybeans also have vitamins like B9, K and riboflavin. And that's not all, as it also has a high content of Omega 3 and Omega 6.

  • Green vegetables

This kind of food still contains a lot of Omega 3. This is especially found in avocado, spinach, lettuce, Brussels sprouts, watercress and corn salad.

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