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Protein Synthesis as a Means to Strengthen Muscle

by damien

In general, protein synthesis is used in the field of sports without understanding exactly what it does to the body. In various magazines and bodybuilding articles, protein synthesis is displayed on the constituents of food supplements. However, there is confusion, especially if this concept is not accurately recognised by some users. It is important to know how protein synthesis is actually optimised. This understanding allows everyone to learn how to optimally stimulate this so-called protein synthesis. It even serves to achieve positive changes in the body.

What is protein synthesis?

It is simply the absorption of amino acids in order to carry out certain metabolic and bodily steps. It is therefore one of the most fundamental biological processes that takes place in the organs, especially in the muscles. In the world of sport, protein synthesis correctly refers to the muscles in comparison to the whole body.

With the term protein synthesis, one should therefore expect the synthesis of muscle proteins. This allows muscle tissue to be built up again when the muscle fibres are torn during training. In the case of an effective stimulation of this protein synthesis, this leads to a huge muscle hypertrophy, more strength as well as a good recovery.

How to make protein synthesis optimal?

Once again, protein synthesis is the fundamental key to the creation of muscle mass in the body. Its name already indicates that protein substances are of great importance in this process. In fact, muscle growth depends on the absorption of a fair amount of these proteins.

One of the most indispensable amino acids is leucine, because it is the symbol for the initiation of protein synthesis. Therefore, it is important to eat foods containing leucine so that the muscles are signalled. 2 to 4 g of leucine will be enough to boost protein synthesis. However, it should be noted that this range also depends on the weight of each person.

The quality of the protein is related to the specific amount of leucine, but not to the total amount of leucine. Therefore, it is necessary to eat for example 25 to 30g of whey protein to have a maximum of 3g of leucine. As for meat, 40g of protein will suffice for an adequate amount of leucine. In addition, vegetables and cereals provide protein. As the amount of protein increases, the amount of leucine also increases.

To optimise protein synthesis, the most important thing is to consume protein AND high quality protein in a meal. Ensuring a high quantity in each meal is essential in this process.

The ideal protein time for muscle building

There is a lot of information on the internet about training frequency and muscle protein synthesis (MPS: Muscular Protein Synthesis). On the net it is stated that the post-training timing was up to 48 hours, but after that it has a tendency to decrease.

According to conventional wisdom, it is important not to give away exogenous substances in order to keep the MPS high for longer. In addition to this, the muscles must be trained every 48 hours to gain a maximum of hypertrophic substances.

Among other things, MPS is an isolated factor, i. e. it only treats one muscle system. In this case it is an overcompensation reaction to an analytical reaction. The problem is that the overcompensation does not occur in an analytical way, but rather in a global way.

As a result, some systems require more time to recover, because the tendons, the hormonal system and the central nervous system do not start to regain.

You should therefore not believe in training that lasts 48 hours even though the other systems have not recovered at all.

This is a big mistake, because it leads to nervous fatigue and a lot of deformities. It should also be noted that the nervous system controls muscle contraction during intense physical activity.

It is indeed essential to consult a health expert in order not to do anything foolish. He is the only one who can tell you the ideal timing and quantity of proteins to take.

A good source of protein in the diet, a better solution

Despite the invalid information quoted online, it is still recommended to consume Leucine rich foods every 3 hours. Every morning for example, it seems wiser to have cereal for breakfast. A light lunch with some supper in between is essential.

For a family dinner, it is better to opt for steak. The minimum leucine level is obtained from the protein substances in the food. A good supply of protein from the food will stimulate protein synthesis.

Moreover, the study by Norton et al in 2008 confirmed that muscle mass increases with protein intake at each meal. Therefore, it is crucial to take in sufficient protein throughout the day. Before training, protein intake is important for better muscle building after exercise. Generally, other supplements such as whey and BCAAs should be taken after training.

They have quality protein substances. In addition, they are easy to use and quick to assimilate. Their high leucine content also makes them specific. This type of supplement can be taken between meals to maintain a high level of protein synthesis during the day.

To remember

Learning about the concept of protein synthesis helps to understand what to do. It also helps to increase the expected results and obviously achieve the physical goals. Therefore, obtaining sufficient protein and stimulating protein synthesis several times helps to prevent possible inhibition. In addition, muscle mass increases, strength improves and recovery is enhanced.

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