Zoom On The Squat

by damien

You would like to structure your body shape by developing your thigh muscles and buttocks. Indeed, to obtain these results, it is necessary at all costs to transform the fat mass into toning muscles to draw your curve. For slimmer people, developing your muscles will also help you gain some volume in your lower body. You'll find good results by opting for and persevering with the squat.

But first of all, what is the squat and what does it actually do?


Among the polyarticular musculation, the squat is a physical exercise that all the sporting disciplines practise. The muscular development of the lower part of the body is the main objective of everyone who regularly performs squat movements. During the physical activity, the quadriceps, glutes and adductors are the muscles mobilised. But other muscles such as the hamstrings, lumbar and abdominal muscles are also stimulated during training.

In short, the squat is practicable and beneficial because it encourages the movement of several muscle groups. This is why it is often included in training programmes. In order to continue with the squat and make it a staple in your daily sport, it is most interesting to master the various movements. In particular, the various movements of the squat only bring benefits to the body. For example, the squat with heel wedges allows you to gain more flexibility in your ankles.


The squat provides nothing but benefits for our body. We will soon learn about its values which explain why so many people start working on it every day.

  • The squat provides more volume to the lower body

The muscles stimulated during the squat are those that condition the roundness of the lower part. The glutes and quadriceps are the muscles that work the most during squat movements.

  • Squat improves posture

It is not only the gluteal and quadriceps muscles that are involved during squat training but also the abdominal and chest muscles. This is because the movements of the squat require the abdominal muscles to be sheathed and the chest to be straightened. This is the reason why these muscles are so well used in the exercise. As a result, the posture of the body will be further improved as the training progresses. The appearance becomes more and more impeccable. In addition to the physical changes, the squat also prevents back injuries.

  • Squats improve your metabolism

As the exercise involves a number of muscle groups, it allows you to gain more muscle mass. And of course, having a lot of muscle volume helps the body to increase the metabolism.

  • Squats quickly eliminate fat mass

And yes, this is the very interesting result, it develops the metabolism by causing a glorious loss of calories during rest. In practice the fat mass will be transformed into energy. Therefore, it will naturally increase energy expenditure.

  • The squat prevents serious injuries

Working the muscles always makes the body more and more flexible. This flexibility is very important to reduce the risk of accidents. Mobility and flexibility of the joints reduce serious injuries. This change occurs after intensive work on the gluteal muscles and the quadriceps as well as the abdominal muscles.

  • Squatting develops physical capacity

Like any physical work that requires endurance, it boosts the body's ability to withstand different physical efforts. For example, a body that is well trained in the squat will perform better at running and gain more release in a jump.

How to do a good squat however?

Tips for a good squat

As a safety measure, there are some steps that need to be taken. At the first attempt, the practitioner thinks that the work is difficult to achieve but it passes quickly by following the instructions. These are very important in order to avoid as much as possible injuries resulting from a bad execution.

  • In the first position: Put the bar on your trapezius or between the trapezius and the shoulders. It is really to be avoided to place it on the neck. Then, remember that the distance between the heels must be equal to the width of the shoulders. But also, the feet must be parallel and slightly open. During the exercise, you should always look forward to help open up the rib cage. By following this instruction, your back will keep its natural curvature. This allows for a good contraction of the abdominal muscles.
  • During the exercise, bend your knees but do not let them be too far forward. Afterwards, push your buttocks back and remember to keep your back straight. The right reflex is to think that you are sitting on a chair. With your head straight, make sure it lines up with your spine. When you come down, keep your thighs parallel to the floor. As you come up, push hard on your legs before returning to the starting position.

It is strictly forbidden to have your back bent during the squat. In this case, stop a little to adjust your position before your thighs are parallel to the ground.

For a good breathing, it is advised to take a deep breath, a strong inspiration just before the descent. Then, during the ascent, a good exhalation will bring a little relief. Indeed, the squat allows a good breathing exercise.

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