All About Guarana

by damien

Guarana is a very famous plant due to its stimulating benefits. It is present in many energy drinks. However, guarana has many health benefits that are not well known. So what are the benefits of this super food? Why is guarana an imitation of coffee?

What are the active substances? What are the alternatives of guarana consumption? How can guarana be obtained? And what are the contraindications? This article will answer these questions and the nutritional benefits of guarana.

Why is it said that guarana is an imitation of coffee but without its disadvantages?

What is a guarana plant?

Guarana is a plant from the Amazonian forest. It is a climbing plant with leaves and its flowers are in clusters and yellow. But it is also planted in Brazil. And besides the yellow flowers, it can also flower in red or orange with small brown seeds inside.

These seeds, once mature, are picked afterwards. And then the factories transform them into food supplements thanks to its properties.

What are the active substances in guarana?

The medicinal properties of the guarana plant were discovered by the Indians. The following substances are responsible for its medicinal properties:

  • The xantines (or theobromme, theophylline, lent as scientific name) which have virtue as diuretic and against fatigue.
  • Tannins which are also present in tea.
  • And the saponmes.

Caffeine or also called guaranine is also present in guarana with an exceptional content especially. Indeed, guarana is the plant that contains the most caffeine content known today. Paullinia cupana L is the most widely used guarana variety with 15% caffeine content. This is why its tonic properties are similar to those of coffee.

What are the 6 benefits of the guarana plant?

Natural stimulant

Guarana is known to be a stimulant that has the same properties as coffee:

  • It helps to improve physical and intellectual performance;
  • It also plays a stimulating role in the body and helps to reduce fatigue. It can therefore be used in case of acute and punctual fatigue.

Reduces nervous migraines

One of the advantages of guarana is that it reduces headaches or migraines. Indeed, guarana has an action against headaches, and it is recommended in case of migraines that are related to nervous tension especially when rest alone is not enough to cure them.

For diarrhoea

Guarana can also be used as an antidiuretic. It thus plays the role of astringent, or in other words, it takes part in the reduction of the water content of the organization which is very beneficial in certain cases of diarrhea.

Desired slimness

Because of the following three reasons, guarana is known as a slimming agent and is traditionally used in slimming diets:

  • It stabilises blood sugar levels. This action helps to prevent bulimia between meals. It therefore helps to avoid untimely snacking.
  • It also acts as a satiety agent, in other words, it acts as an appetite suppressant and satiating agent.
  • Thanks to its satiating effect, it is one of the most effective natural appetite suppressants. A little anecdote at the time, the Guaranis appreciated the benefits of this plant, especially when they were hungry during the famine period, and they consumed it. Guarana helped them to cope better with hunger. In fact, the name "guarana" for this plant comes from the Amazonian Amerindian people, the Guaranis.

Beneficial for the liver

This time, the root is used in majority. This is another alternative use of guarana called Timbo. It is much appreciated for treating or fighting liver diseases, something that Paullinia cupana L cannot do.

Aphrodisiac results

Indeed, the guarana plant also has aphrodisiac effects. It is one of the most popular aphrodisiac foods. With its stimulating effect, it increases the cravings by acting on the senses and the genitals.

What are the alternatives of guarana consumption?

There are several forms of guarana. It can be consumed as a powder or in the form of a capsule, which is made from guarana seeds, or as a liquid extract, which is used as an ingredient in guarana drinks.

How to get guarana?

Guarana can be purchased in pharmacies, health food shops and herbal medicine shops, or online on the internet.

  • Note that it is preferable to always take organic guarana in order to have an effective result thanks to this plant and also to have a good quality which will undoubtedly ensure benefits to be fully enjoyed.

What are the contraindications with guarana?

You should always be aware of the contraindications in order to avoid the consumption of guarana being counterproductive. Therefore, guarana should not be used:

  • For children, for women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • For people who cannot tolerate food from the Sapindaceae family.
  • And also in the presence of heart rhythm disorders.
  • If the person has high blood pressure.
  • Or in the presence of gastric or duodenal ulcers.
  • And also in cases of hyperthyroidism.
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