Discover below all the benefits of guggul. One of the ideal plants for a cure of detox.
Your detox and the Guggul: A powerful medicinal plant
The guggul is a major medicinal plant of the Indian medicine to prevent in a natural way (but how much effective) the cardiovascular risks which involves a cholesterol excess.
It acts by promoting the disincrustation, mobilisation and elimination of cholesterol deposits that cover the arterial walls, an important DETOX action.
Known as the olibanum of India or the myrrh of India,Commiphora wightii is better known by the name of its exudate, guggul.
Popular throughout the Indian peninsula, guggul is used in Ayurvedic medicine to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
The guggul is a small tree with thorny branches that grows in the mountainous and semi-arid regions of India.Several times a year, its trunk is cut and an oleoresin exudes naturally, solidifying on contact with the air into opaque, brown concretions with a balsamic odour.
This exudate of Commiphora wightii contains active components:
- Eugenol
- Cresol
- Pinene
- Cadinene
- Myrrholic acid
Its major indication is therefore hypercholesterolemia.
It is worth recalling here some notions about the silent killer (in the United States, this is how cholesterol is called).
Indeed, cholesterol is the main culprit in cardiovascular accidents, which are the leading cause of death in Western countries (source: WHO).
Silently, insidiously, cholesterol kills by building up pathogenic aggregates called atheromatous plaques on the inner walls of the arteries.
At the beginning they are only lenticular pustules which settle in the zones of arterial turbulence, curves, bifurcations.
Then the cholesterol deposits increase in volume and reduce the calibre of the aorta, the coronary and cerebral arteries, or those of the lower limbs.
Plaques form, which become calcified and harden the walls of the arteries, which lose their flexibility and become fragile.
They may rupture, causing internal bleeding (e.g.aortic aneurysm).
The reduction of the arterial lumen impedes the circulation of blood.
The heart, in particular, is insufficiently supplied with blood, which leads to angina pectoris, a worrying symptomatic phase.
Then a clot forms which obstructs the flow of blood, causing the sudden and often fatal accident: myocardial infarction.
Not to mention strokes or serious complications of arteritis (amputation).
The guggul is thus indicated in very precise cases:
- Hypercholesterolemia (bad cholesterol LDH in excess)
- Hypertriglycéridémie
- Hyperlipidaemia
- Atherosclerosis
- Angina (angina pectoris)
- Prevention of heart attacks
- Prevention of stroke
- Prevention of arteritis
Guggul should be taken even more if there are additional risk factors: obesity, hypertension, smoking, stress, sedentary lifestyle.
In all these cases, a DETOX is necessary.