
by damien

Ornithine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid, in other words it is an amino acid not encoded by the genetic code that does not enter into the composition of proteins and is therefore not one of the 20 standard amino acids.

It is part of the urea cycle, a cycle that converts toxic ammonia into urea.


  • Precursor to arginine and citrulline
  • Helps accelerate wound healing
  • Helps strengthen the immune system (stimulates white blood cell formation)
  • Converts fat into energy
  • Promotes muscle development and protects ligaments and tendons
  • Promotes healthy liver function through detoxification
  • Regulates acid-base balance
  • Increases production of growth hormone
  • Improves erectile capacity
  • Fights insomnia


Scientists believe that insomnia is primarily related to ammonia toxicity in the brain and acidosis. As an amino acid that converts toxic ammonia into urea and as a regulator of the acid-base balance, ornithine is very effective in combating insomnia.

The treatment consists of taking 1g at bedtime on the first day, 2g on the second, 3g on the third and 4g on the fourth. This dosage (4g) is then maintained until the sleep disturbances cease.


Arginine, Glycine, Citrulline, Serine, Valine > Omega 3 > Chrome

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